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subject: Free MLM Leads | MLM on a Budget | Set up the system [print this page]

Author: Darwin Farr
Author: Darwin Farr

This is the second part in an eight part series about article marketing and how to use it effectively to obtain free MLM leads. This article will deal with setting up the system so that you can get and then deal with the leads that you will get for free. #1. You will need a website. The website that you have been given by your mlm company does not allow you any control over what is done to the people that visit your site. With your own website, you can design it in whatever fashion and look that you are pleased with to promote your business opportunity. I recommend that you set up a site. This is a format that allows you complete control over the content of your website. They have templates to use that facilitate setting up the website and make it possible to brand you as the expert in your particular mlm business. WordPress does not cost anything but you will need to choose a domain name and then host that name on an hosting account and then install Wordpress on that server. It sounds hard but it really isn't that difficult. The cost to host your domain name and website will be around $100 per year. That cost can be broken down to monthly fees of around $7 to $10 per month. #2. You will need to set up an autoresponder. Autoresponders are necessary to capture the persons' name and email and phone number which can later be used to promote your business opportunity. is the autoresponder that I use. It seems to be the most user friendly and easiest to set up. There are a number of tutorials that help you throughout the process. is another very popular autoresponder. You should go to both of these sites and weigh the differences to see which will be the most effective for you. The cost of an autoresponder will be from $15 to $20 per month depending on who you go with. You can also sign up on a yearly basis and receive a discount on that cost. There are free services out there and you can try one of them but I do not recommend a free autoresponder service. They are not effective. You will not receive satisfactory service from a free autoresponder. The two items above cost money but would be required under whatever system that you use to put your mlm business online. It is the most cost effective way to get your name and opportunity out there on the "World Wide Web". Once these two items are in place and operating, you are set to start producing articles. The next step in the process will be to actually produce an article. This step will be covered in my next article.About the Author:

Article marketing when used in the manner described above can bring you Free MLM Leads. Writing and submitting articles alone can be effective, but the number of articles that are required to obtain the traffic can be overwhelming. Follow along and Darwin will show you the steps necessary to be successful in this process at .

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