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Herbalife MLM Home Business Review

Herbalife MLM Home Business Review
Herbalife MLM Home Business Review

Are you looking into different MLM companies trying to find a good fit for you? This article will give you an honest review of the Herbalife network marketing business opportunity and help you determine whether or not it is a scam.

The Company

Herbalife MLM Home Business Review

Herbalife is a wellness based company that is headquartered in Los Angeles, California. Herbalife offers a home business opportunity by selling or marketing their products through multilevel marketing (MLM) or attraction marketing.

Herbalife was founded in 1980 and is now over 25 years old. The company claims to have over 1.5 million distributors located in 65 countries worldwide. If you're looking for a company with staying power, Herbalife has passed that test.

The Products

Herbalife's product line consists of a variety of different types of products. You can imagine that after being in business for close to 30 years, the company and its distributors have seen a lot of products come and go. The product line includes health, fitness, wellness, and nutritional supplements. Also included is personal care, skincare, and weight management products.

There have been some testimonials by people that have consumed Herbalife products. Some examples given by individuals that have consumed the products include statements of increased energy and stamina, weight loss, relief from headaches, arthritis, and other inflammation based symptoms.

The Compensation Plan

The Herbalife business opportunity contains a stairstep-breakaway comp plan. This is one of the most easily confused and hard to explain pay plans. A big part of the stairstep-breakaway comp plan is that when a distributor reaches a certain qualifying point, they then breakaway from their original sponsor. When this happens, generally the original sponsor now only receives a certain percentage of the sponsored distributor's group total volume. This seems tragically unfair to many people and is why such pay plans have earned the title of scam.

When you take a look at the industry average, the Herbalife compensation plan is not a bad pay plan, but a successful individual should be prepared to recruit.


In conclusion, Herbalife is not a scam. The company seems to have a decent product line and the compensation plan would rate out as "fair" according to MLM industry standards. The biggest setback that I see with the company is that many of the top players are already very well established within the company and the industry. Now that's not to say that you couldn't come in and make your mark on the company. However, it's going to be much more difficult than if you would have started at the company's inception.

A better bet is to align yourself with a solid start up company and never look back. Who knows, you could be looking back 30 years from now and admiring what you've built just as some of the Herbalife distributors are doing now.

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