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subject: In Home Child Care Business is a valid stay at home mom business! [print this page]

In Home Child Care Business is a valid stay at home mom business!

In Home Child Care Business is a valid stay at home mom business!

With potential incomes exceeding $40,000 per year (depending on your area), potential child care providers have valid options- instead of minimum wage employment that simply does not pay the bills for most families today. However, there are key points that need to be understood before taking on this career. There is a lot of frustration very early in the new providers business beginning with advertising, parent interviewing, home preparation, what to charge, policies, contracts, license or registration,, etc.

Child care has never been in such high demand as it is today, with both parents working, high quality child care is needed everywhere. They are looking for child care providers that are professional, dependable, and loving.

Julie Ceaglske , a child care provider for over 30 years, was asked about her start in this business, this is what Julie had to say; 'Over 30 years ago all I knew was I wanted to stay home with my kids, but I HAD to have an income. One of the few things I could do in my home to earn money was babysitting. It was extremely stressful- children with poor parenting or discipline, disrespectful parents, bad habits, being taken advantage of, and disruption to my family. It was frustrating because I was so ignorant about the business and what it took to be successful at it. Over the years, I developed the business and improved the choices and methods I was using and even the level of care, all by trial and error and many hours of child development/education classes.What I learned improved my desire to be a stay at home mom, with a great income. I just developed a website that teaches how to do the business right from the start. Child Care Business is loaded with free content.

We cover a lot of detail on how to get started in this business and be successful Most moms find the business more of a challenge than they expected and will stick with long enough to be successful. There are many things that make most people quit. Julie says that most people don't realize the difficulties developing a child care business that is highly profitable has low stress, produces high quality care, does not disrupt your home, and mostly overwhelm the child care provider.

I recommend the new release In Home Child Care Business. A Quick Start Guide for those who are serious about giving this profession a try.

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