subject: Nutrisystem Special Offers And Discounts: How Do They Work? Which Will Save The Most Money? [print this page] Nutrisystem Special Offers And Discounts: How Do They Work? Which Will Save The Most Money?
I often hear from people who are getting ready to place their first Nutrisystem order and are wanting to know what are the best Nutrisystem specials that will save the most money. Most people realize that you should never pay full price for this diet, but they aren't sure which coupon or special offer is going to work out to be the best deal for them. In the following article, I'll take a look at some of your options to help you decide which special might work out to be better for you.
Usually, The Best Specials For Nutrisystem Are Offered On The Packages: I sometimes have people who contact me looking for a la carte coupons or for specials on the individual food items. The thing is, the substantial discounts aren't usually offered on the individual foods. Sometimes, they do run specials on these where they'll offer a certain percentage off. But the substantial money off your order or the weeks of free food are typically only offered on the packages.
And honestly, this usually makes the most sense. Since you eat no less than five meals per day on Nutrisystem, you'd have to buy an awful lot of the individual foods in order to have enough to last long enough to get results. Admittedly, you typically can see some weight loss after a week, but most people are looking to lose at least ten pounds or more, which usually takes longer than a few days.
Plus, if you figure out the cost per meal, the packages are significantly cheaper and that's before you take advantage of the coupons and specials.
A Look At The Types Of Specials That Nutrisystem Frequently Offers: First of all, the specials generally change on a regular basis. So, you want to make sure you're using a current one. (You can find the latest nutrisystem coupon codes here.) But for the most part, you will usually have a choice between taking some money off or your order or getting free food. I find that the majority of people will opt to take the money off of their order.
This is completely understandable as most people are just starting the diet and aren't sure how long they plan to be on it. Usually, the coupon or special offer codes allow for you take anywhere from $50 to $100 off of your order depending on the size or your order and if you've opted for auto ship. This can be at least a 25% savings which is quite substantial. (Auto delivery is when you agree for the company to automatically ship your next order. They will send you your food each month until you direct them to stop.)
But, the free food specials are actually worth more money. Two weeks worth of free food is worth about $150 on a standard order. With each additional week of free food, you're looking at about a $75 savings. So, if you know that you might be on the diet for longer than a month, the free food actually saves you more money, but I completely understand wanting to get your total down to the lowest price possible by opting for the monetary (rather than the food) savings.
To get the latest Nutrisystem coupon codes for the special offers discussed in this article, please check out my blog (where you can also read my free e book "Getting The Most Out Of Nutrisystem" which includes recipes, the latest specials (weeks free or up to $100 off), information on all of the programs, tips, support, and motivation. Check it out if you like at
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