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subject: Being Successful by Being Conscious in Home Business: Acts of Faith [print this page]

Being Successful by Being Conscious in Home Business: Acts of Faith

Being Successful by Being Conscious in Home Business: Acts of Faith

In order to be something or someone, you need to start acting like the person you want to be.

Your behaviour sends a powerful message to the Universe which then ensures the events of your life mirror your behaviour.

If you want to be a successful and conscious entrepreneur, you need to start acting that way. Think how a successful and conscious person dresses, behaves, how they treat themselves and others. Then, start acting this way yourself.

If you want to make a difference in the world, if you want to inspire others and leave a positive impression, think of all the small things you can do to bring this dream closer to reality.

If you want to inspire others, start reading inspirational books, or listening to inspirational music. Make a plan to send a message of inspiration to one person every day.

If you want to manifest a physical or material sign of success, such as overseas travel, then buy a guide book, research the itinerary, make a hotel booking, or pay a deposit on a flight.

Acts of faith send a powerful message to the Universe which then sets about finding the fastest and most effective way to bring your desire to fruition.

I experienced this first hand when planning my honeymoon. We didn't have much money back then. In fact we could barely afford the wedding. But there was nothing going to stop me from enjoying a week away in a glorious island getaway with my new husband.

We'd been through a very stressful few years following our own divorces, my husband's family business collapse and his heart attack. I'd saved for a year and still didn't really have enough money for an overseas trip, but still, I went to see travel agents, worked out exactly the kind of place I wanted to go and imagined us there, enjoying ourselves. I even told friends and colleagues about our plans.

Incredibly, and to my delight, I discovered that a colleague was responsible for promoting pacific island hotels, including a new property that had just opened in Fiji. I had no idea this was the case until I started telling her about how I wanted an island honeymoon. Without hesitation she offered us a free seven night stay in the new hotel and then consulted with her friend in an airline to arrange free airfares. And, what's more, the hotel manager turned out to be a friend of my husband's who he hadn't seen for years. The manager arranged for us to stay in one of the hotel's best suites with champagne on arrival!

I could never have imagined any of these things happening, and I could never have predicted the course of events, but the Universe found the way to bring the right people to me at the right time.

What can you do today as an act of faith that shows the Universe you are already the person you dream of being?

2010 Home Biz Chicks

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