subject: 5 Easy Steps That Are Guaranteed To Improve Your Article Marketing [print this page] As the Internet continues to evolve one thing that remains constant is the power of article marketing. Keyword rich articles can bring you traffic both from the article directories you submit them to, as well as from the search engines who reward you with high page rankings.
In this article we are going to talk about five easy steps to improve your article writing and article marketing efforts!
1. You must develop a lengthy list of keywords for the niche your business is in. There is no excuse for not having a quality list of key words today.
There are many free keyword research tools including Google and Wordtracker which help you put together a targeted list to start with. Writing the best possible article you can starts with knowing what keywords you are building your article around.
2. Practice writing fantastic titles! One easy way to do this is to go to your favorite article directory and look at some of the articles being written.
You can create a swipe file of potential titles for your future articles based on the ones that catch your eye. To get the attention of the search engines and your readers your title must be rich and target your keywords as well.
3. Understand the importance of your first paragraph. People are busy today and you have a small window of opportunity to catch their attention. Write a strong first paragraph that makes them want to continue reading the rest of your article.
4. Put your emphasis on writing the best article you possibly can. This does not mean your article has to be long. Some of the best articles are ones that focus on a primary theme and nothing more. You can do this by making your words count and not by rambling on and on and on and on.
5. Submit your articles to the best article directories as opposed to trying to get them in as many directories as possible. One problem that Internet marketers face is a lack of time and this certainly does apply to submitting articles.
An example of this would be to submit your articles only to This is the top article directory in the world and if you only submitted to them over time your article marketing results would improve.
In summary what we have done is give you five easy steps to improve your article marketing efforts. Concentrate on doing a better job writing quality articles and targeting where you submit them and you will reap the benefits today and in the future.
Summary: As the Internet continues to evolve one thing that remains constant is the power of article marketing. In this article we are going to talk about five easy steps to improve your article writing and article marketing efforts!
by: George Lazoryszak
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