subject: Asbestos Mesothelioma The 3 Things You Should Do To Cure Mesothelioma [print this page] Even if you are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatment or alternative treatments for asbestos mesothelioma, you need to make sure your body is in prime fighting condition. The more time and energy, your body requires to deal with other health issues, is more time and energy that it can't use to eliminate the cancer in your body.
First, you need to ensure that you are eating the best foods to fuel your body. You don't want to make things worse for your body by introducing toxic foods or foods that create an extra burden for your body. The simplest way to do this is to increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet. Also eat more natural unprocessed grains such as multi grain breads or crackers. Eliminate as much processed foods as you can. If it comes in a box, a can or a bag, it's more than likely a processed food. A National Cancer Institute study showed a strong link between cancer and meat consumption, so try to cut out as much meat as possible, especially red meat. Consider switching to a vegetarian diet. And if you really want to do as much as you can, switch to a raw food organic diet.
Secondly, increase your oxygen levels. Dr. Otto Warburg, a German cancer specialist, won the 1931 Nobel prize for his work on oxygen and cancer cells. He showed that cancer cells can not survive in a highly oxygenated environment. He found that certain foods have enzymes that can dramatically increase your oxygen absorption in your cells. Also, practice deep breathing exercises every day to provide the source of that oxygen that your body needs.
Thirdly, reduce your sugar consumption. Eating processed sugars such as pop, candy and deserts creates an insulin shock to your body because unlike natural fruits, which require time to digest, processed sugar foods virtually inject sugar into your bloodstream immediately. Your body reacts by secreting huge amounts of insulin, which not only converts that sugar to fat, but more importantly, it acts to shut down your immune system. Eating one cup of sugar a day, which could be found in a two litre bottle of pop would suppress your immune system for approximately 12 hours! That's half a day that your immune system can't seek and destroy cancer cells. That's also half a day that the asbestos mesothelioma cancer cells can grow out of control.
by: Paul J. Folkmann
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