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Global STM Publishing 2009-2010

Global STM Publishing 2009-2010
Global STM Publishing 2009-2010

Global STM Publishing 2009-2010

In today's global market, it's more important than ever to understand the dynamics of STM publishing. Rely on Simba's Global STM Publishing 2009-2010 to build your growth plan for this year and beyond.

This report provides an overview and financial outlook for the global scientific, technical and medical (STM) publishing markets based on specific research and analysis of the leading competitors' performance through 2009. Simba has used the information it gathered through primary and secondary research to estimate company, market and individual delivery channel performance for 2010. This research was conducted in conjunction with a larger study of the overall market for professional publishing.

The overall market and each market segment is divided into six content delivery channels: books, journals, directories, online services (including abstracting and indexing), newsletters/looseleafs and other, a category that includes audio, video and CD-ROM information.

Scientific and technical publishing and medical publishing are covered in separate chapters within Global STM Publishing 2009-2010, which include:

Simba's exclusive analysis of market size and structure

Perspective on which STM products and services customers want most

Revenue and market share rankings of leading publishers

Detailed profiles of 20 leading STM publishers worldwide

Simba's exclusive projections for market growth and much more

Whether your focus is books, journals, online content or newsletters, you can trust Global STM Publishing 2009-2010 to provide the inside intelligence you need to evaluate growth potential, understand trends affecting the industry, and size up the competition in the dynamic markets for STM content worldwide. Examples of some of the trends covered include:

The demand for full-text resources

The transition of e-publishing

Library cost pressures

The use of social networking in STM fields

The outlook for pharmaceutical advertising

Impact of new information technology initiatives in health care

Global STM Publishing 2009-2010 is an essential tool for publishing executives, M&A advisors, market analysts, and industry consultants who need to understand the business strategies driving the professional publishing industry.

Simba's Professional Publishing market figures are global in scope. It's a global market. If you're competing in one or all of these segments, the competition does not conform to lines on a map. This report, and the others in the series, is produced to help executives make decisions in this environment.

Simba has a knowledge base from almost 20 years worth of perspective on these markets. A static industry, it's one that's affected by rapid changes in technology, the economy, mergers, partnerships, public policy and library budgets, and requires daily attention to understand the trends and project the market's direction. As the bedrock of its research collection, you can count on this attention to be paid by Simba Information's team of analysts who set the industry standard on market intelligence for professional publishing.

Market Research

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