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subject: Leather Luggage Tags Are Beautiful And Sturdy [print this page]

A leather luggage tag may be something you do not think of often. Leather luggage tags are very important when traveling. Your luggage tag is what helps to identify your suitcase. Think of all of your important items that are inside of your suitcase. Many items are probably expensive and you do not want your suitcase to become lost when it is tossed around on the luggage carousel and carried to the airplane. They will help to keep your valuables inside of your suitcase safer.

Leather luggage tags are made of only the highest quality leather and are so durable and they are made to last a very long time. Instead of using a plastic luggage tag that can break and snap off, use a leather tag that is much more secure.

Leather luggage tags come in the standard shape and they will hold your identification inside of the slot made for your name, address and phone number. You have many colors to choose from such as red, pink, brown, black, navy, green and burgundy. You also have the choice of a buckle to secure your luggage tag, a snap to secure your tag or a clip-on to secure your tag.

Another style that you may choose is the heart shaped luggage tags. Imagine that you and your wife or significant other are going on a trip during the month of February. You may be surprising her with a Valentine's Day gift. You may want to put the airplane tickets to your destination in a gift bag. You can use the pink or red leather luggage tag as the tag to your gift bag. This is a very clever gift and think of how excited and surprised your wife or significant other will be when you hand her this gift bag. This is a gift that is sure to be highly appreciated. Your romantic trip has only just begun with the Valentine's Day gift you have just given your wife or significant other. This would make an excellent birthday gift, anniversary gift, Sweetest Day gift or Christmas gift as well.

You may choose a luggage tag that has a privacy flap. This way your name, address and phone number will not be visible for all to see when your luggage is on the carousel and being taken to and from the airplane by the airport luggage employees. No matter which luggage tags you choose, all of the luggage tags are made beautifully.

by: Mary Braun

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