subject: Best Make Money Idea Out Of All Make Money Ideas You Could Probably Ever Seen Online. [print this page] I mean it. In this article I am going to show Best make money idea out of all make money ideas you could probably ever seen online, ever.
So lets jump straight into it without any boring staff in the beginning.
Do you have a hobby? Do you have something that you really like doing from day to day, but you think you wouldnt be able to make money with it? And you just keep doing your daily boring job which you really cant find interesting. Well that's great. I mean great thing is that you have landed on a right article today, because from today you will be able to start making money by doing what you really like doing and excited about in life. But thats only if you will try this Best make money idea out of all make money ideas you could probably ever find online
Before I will describe the process of making money with this one of the best idea out of all make money ideas online I want to be honest with and I want to tell you that some people charge for this make money ideas hundreds of dollars. If you want to ask me why am I doing that for free, well the answer is simple "I love helping people".
So I am assuming that you have already decided what you like doing and now I want you to build a blog using wordpress or blogger. If you dont know how to do that go to youtube and find some tutorial videos that will help you to build one quickly and easily.
And one of the secret steps of this one of the best idea out of all make money ideas, is you must know how to choose the right title for your blog and right domain name, so your blog can come up on google search engine on first place in less than one week. Are you amazed? Yes less than in one week.
So here is how to pick up the right one. Go to google keyword tool, if you dont know how to find it, just type in google search "google keyword tool" and it will come up instantly. Then type what will come first into your mind, how you would like to name your blog, in keyword entry field. Then press "get keywords ideas" button and you will see keywords suggestions you may pick up to name your blog plus you will see very important information opposite each one. You want to know if people are really searching online for something using this keyword. If it will be more than 1,000 global searches per month, then that is your keyword to use for your domain name and your blog name. Also keyword must have less than 50,000 competing sites. This information you can find by typing your keyword in google search and you will see it on a right side of google search page, on the top.
Next step you must do in this idea, which is one of the best idea out of all make money ideas, is to add to your blog at least 150 articles as soon as it possible for you and ping your blog using pinomatic service. It will automatically notify all popular search engines that new blog has been created and its time to include this blog into their directories. And that means - traffic for your blog.
Next step you must do in this idea, which is one of the best idea out of all make money ideas, is sign up to google adsense and clickbank services. Add to your blog adsense and banners. Thats it. Your business is ready to go.
Update you blog on daily basis and use social networks to advertize your blog.
So as you can see it is really possible to start making money online with this idea, which is one of the best idea out of all make money ideas you could probably find out there.
Remember, if you will pick up the right keyword you will see your blog in first page of google in less than one week. Guaranteed.
by: Yevgeniy Dorofyeyev
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