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subject: Are You Kiding Me? Only Making 2-4% Interst on Your Money [print this page]

Are You Kiding Me? Only Making 2-4% Interst on Your Money

Are You Kiding Me? Only Making 2-4% Interst on Your Money

I look at many people's focus in life in building business's and there idea is to make money and make more money and make more money. To me that company will never stand nor ever please God either. Your going to see a change in life and God is going to raise up so true noble business people, doctors and lawyers in these last day's. It will be a rise to righteousness and his power will be revealed. If you are reading this and you are looking for a better place to put 401k money, stocks, saving don't hesitate to call 586-567-1770 and ask for Ryan Froelich. to see a video of why you need to think about placing your money in a different place if you are not satisfied with your return go to .

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