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American Idols

American Idols
American Idols

I watch all the time at King of Kings International Ministry people being built up to become leaders, ministers, preachers, pastors, and teachers. You name it, God is building up leaders at the ministry. So I come home one Sunday after noon after service and turn on the TV and what do I see? I see a commercial on Fox 2 Detroit. The commercial goes on to say "Are you looking to become an American Idol? If so come try out and let us help you become an American Idol". Ok as a faithful follower of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I look into his word and break these things down a bit. First the blatant and the obvious the word Idol. Idol is defined as a false god, an image used as an object of worship, or one that is adored often blindly or excessively. We won't go into right now why masturbation is considered idolatry as well as lusting that's for another day. But lets go further Exodus 20:3 says Thou shall have no other gods before me. This is the first part of the ten commandments. Then we can go to Galatians 5:20 where it labels Idolatry as a lust of the flesh and not a part of the fruits of the Spirit.

Ok, now we have God's word on the situation this is where God speaks to me. I look at the TV and hear what they are saying, Satan's objective is to separate the people from God and worship other things (Idol). He is telling people I will make you an idol. I will make you an image that people will be drawn to and they will become fascinated in you. That's the world they are so focused on the TV characters being actors, athletes, and musicians that they don't have any focus on God. I look at what God is doing, raising up leaders for the end time harvest that he is preparing to save while the Church is becoming perfected so the rapture can transpire before the tribulation. So God is pouring his all into people through leaders to reach more souls and Satan has his own camp running to offset peoples focus from the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ.

It's a shame to see people fall into these traps. I run into a lot of people and the Lord always comes up in my conversation. I don't get how lightly people take there relationship with God. I don't get how people can say I know Jesus Christ. My favorite one "Oh yes I am a Christian" while they are puffing on a cigarette". I hear so many people say they know God and looking for answers but there actions show me something so different. 1 John 2:15 Love not the world neither the things that are in the world, If any man love the world, the love of the father is not in him. God calls his people to live holy unto him Romans 12. God tells us to love the things he loves hate the things he hates. I never sit with judgment in my soul, I love people a lot. I got saved out of darkens I believe I have seen hell, in my mind I can't figure out how people say they know God and even give him the glory and act in such a manor that is so far from him. I know what God expects from me and I am no special than any other human being on this earth so I know that he expects the same thing from every human being.

I watch people make money and think that they know God and act in all kinds of sinful. There is a commitment that people need to make to God and the commitment is lacking I see in many people that I meet. It's God first then everything else in there life. I see people get success and they give God glory and really they aren't giving God any glory because there life speaks sin to other human beings and at the end of the day they are not helping anybody but to get them closer to hell. It's a life style that God calls us to live fasting, praying, service unto him. Like it says in Mathew 6:24 Then Jesus said unto his disciples, if any man will come after me, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me. This is a powerful scripture and it lets you know that God asks us to commit fully to him. We can never bear the Lords cross but we can bear our own and stand up for righteousness in Jesus Christ. It's an every minute walk to strive to please God.

My final thoughts on Idolatry and the American Idol are this. Sin separates us from God. It's just the truth it can take us away from hearing God in the manor that God needs to speak to us. If you can't hear God clearly then you are jeopardizing the ability to make right decisions and the decisions you make take you either to the narrow path to heaven or the wide path to destruction. See what the enemy is doing in these end times. Repentance is the only prayer that God hears from a sinner that hasnt received salvation. Jesus died, was buried and resurrected after 3 days for the forgiveness of sins. If Idolatry or any other sin is taking you from God, fro being in his presence then repent and know that he will forgive. Take up your cross and follow him. See you in eternity forever. God Bless.

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