subject: 3 Things To Consider Before Hiring An Accident Lawyer To File Your Claims [print this page] Accidents can and do happenAccidents can and do happen. Unfortunately, when they do, they cause a lot of pain to the injured and those involved in it. Even loved ones and friends may bear the brunt of it. If the accident is fatal and lives were lost, this can be far worse than imagined. But if the only thing involved are just injuries and you can get around after treatment, then you should immediately start filing for your compensation claim if you have insurance.
Since you might not be able to do that by yourself and the insurance companies have strict policies in regards to the time frame within which you can make your claim, you should hire and accident lawyer to take care of everything.
Before hiring an accident lawyer though, you ought to consider some very crucial factors so that you will not end up wasting their time and yours.
1. How many injuries did you sustain?
This will, to an extent, determine how much you get as compensation from the company. If the injuries aren't very bad and do not entail large sums of money, you should just file for the compensation without even bothering with a lawyer. Often times, simply sending word to the insurance company will make them visit you in the hospital to assess the amount of damage. Insurance companies are likely to investigate the accident just to make sure that you get fair treatment.
2. What was the Cause?
Were you careless? Did you cause the accident yourself? Were you in any way responsible for the accident? You should know that intentional accidents won't get you a dime from the insurance firm.
No matter how well you plead your case or how well you orchestrated the plan; insurance companies will carry out their investigations. If it was a car accident, were you driving drunk or did you have significant alcohol levels in your body at the time you were involved in the accident?
These are questions you will have to answer. So, you need to be absolutely sure that it wasn't your fault. For example, one of the most common accidents is being hit from the back. If you were stationary and a car hit you, then you can file claims. But if you were reversing while the car was moving forward and you bumped into each other, you might have a little problem there. So, consider the causes properly before taking action.
3. The Length of Time it Will Take to Process the Claims
If the accident is light and your injuries small, you should take care of that yourself. You don't need an accident lawyer for that. Only employ accident lawyers in the event that the accident was huge and the injuries you sustained were great. There is no point putting your life on hold for 6 months just because you want to prove to an insurance firm that the accident was really bad. If the compensation is likely to be small, please file and move on with your life.
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