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subject: Pepper Spray For Women - This May Be Your Best Defense Against An Attacker by:Jeff Schuman [print this page]

Pepper Spray For Women - This May Be Your Best Defense Against An Attacker by:Jeff Schuman

One of the best self defense tools available these days is pepper spray for women. Women all over the world need to be able to protect themselves against an attack that may occur anywhere at any time.

One of the most effective ways for any woman to protect herself is with pepper spray. The spray will make it very difficult for your attacker to see and will give you time to get to safety.

Just be sure before you get this spray to use that you take the time to learn as much as you can about it. One of the things that you need to know is that this spray is easily carried with you in your purse or pocket.

This leaves you with easy access to it wherever you are. You can even find one that can be attached to your car keys.

One thing that many women like about this spray is that while it will help you protect yourself, it won't do any lasting damage to anyone. No woman wants to be in danger and will use it if they ever are, but no woman wants to think of being the cause of someone else being permanently disabled because of something they did to protect themselves.

This spray provides you with the self defense security that you need, but also gives you peace of mind knowing that the spray will wear off eventually and will not leave behind any lasting problems.

Now, it is important that all women understand that with the small container of this spray, it will shoot around 6 feet. With the larger ones you will be able to shoot a stream of about 8 to 12 feet.

This is important to know because it means that you don't have to be really close to your attacker in order for it to work effectively. This gives you time to defend yourself without having to worry about the attacker getting their hands on you.

Before you decide to get pepper spray for your own self defense, take the time to look at your different options. For the best protection possible when needed, this will allow you to find the one that you can carry with you easily.

Pepper spray for women will always be one of the top choices for women to defend themselves because it is effective and easy to use. Now you just need to decide if this is the self defense tool you want to use or if you think you have a better option for defending yourself.

About the author

If you enjoyed this article by Jeff Schuman please visit our website today where you will locate many self defense options like hand held tasers, pepper spray for women, bear repellent and many others. Parents can also protect their children with child locator devices so you can ensure they are safe and where they should be. Don't assume that danger won't find you or your loved ones, instead be prepared by visiting

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