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subject: Learn Why Your Work From Home Business Is Recession Proof [print this page]

Learn Why Your Work From Home Business Is Recession Proof

Many people falsely believe that it is considerably more difficult to work from home in the midst of a recession, and especially if the work you are seeking is as a marketer. They could not be more wrong. As unemployment rates increase, the number of people who is interested in making money online, dramatically increases. Rather than viewing this, as more competition, and a reason to not bother trying, you should see it as, more opportunity, and a reason to quit procrastinating. Millions of new marketers will be in need of tools as well as places to learn the skills they need.

The deeper the recession, the more opportunity is created in the make money niche. This niche, in particular, is conducive to residual monthly income for commissions from ongoing services like autoresponders and web hosting. Membership clubs for ongoing training and many marketing tools represent more possibilities for residual income from this niche.

And, of course hundreds of millions of people come online for the for the first time each year, no matter how the economy is doing. That means the number of online sales is continuously increasing. And, when the economy is ailing, there are more bargain hunters looking online to find the best prices.

Coupon marketing absolutely thrives during economic downturns. Coupon marketing is a type of affiliate marketing which centers around offering free coupon codes which create online discounts. Also flourishing in these times, are money saving niches, like, how to convert to solar energy, how to improve you gas mileage, tips for growing your own food, etc., etc.

So the answer is, absolutely yes, you can work from home in a recession, at least as a marketer. What about non marketing work from home jobs? Are they just as available? When it comes to companies that hire a certain percentage of their employees as home based workers, it is possible that there are more people competing for fewer work from jobs, but that does not mean they do not exist.

In the free lance market, where you are not an employee of one particular company, but you find work from from various individuals, there is more opportunity than usual. This is a direct reflection of the increase in the amount of people who are becoming online entrepreneurs and marketers, since they often outsource work, like website design or creation of content.

Freelance content creation jobs should always be available online. There are websites that pay writers a set amount per article, and there are outsourcing websites where individual entrepreneurs offer specific work that you can bid on. These jobs are plentiful since internet marketers require content, much the way a television network needs television shows, to place in between the commercials.

Those sites have virtual assistant free lance work, beyond writing, as well. Some of the jobs require technical skills, but many others do not. What those jobs usually have in common. Is pay that is considerably lower than what would be considered fair market value in the offline world. This is especially true for non third world nations. Be prepared to work for well under the minimum wage standard of the USA. Many people start with outsourcing work that comes out to less than $2 an hour, as a way of gaining experience, references and testimonials, which they use to start their own free lance, work from home, virtual assistant business.

by: Warren Wooden

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