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Need Invisalign in Austin?
Need Invisalign in Austin?

Silver Screen Dental Offers $500 Discount to new Invisalign Patients.

Because the nation's credit crunch has put a squeeze on individuals who have postponed much-needed dental work, Silver Screen Dental, in Austin, TX is offering a "Back-to-School" $500 discount for new Invisalign patients. The offer, from Dr. Steven Booth, also includes a free initial exam and a free teeth whitening upon completion of their Invisalign treatment. The offer applies to all Austin residents who want to straighten their teeth and are looking for an alternative to traditional metal braces.

"I know a lot of people in Austin have been thinking about Invisalign and have not decided who they want to choose as their provider," said Dr. Booth. "I want to make it easy for them to choose us!"

Dr. Booth specializes in Invisalign treatment in Austin. Actual patient video testimonials are available on the Invisalign Austin Website at Among the chief advantages of using Invisalign are:

- Absence of ugly, metal bands and brackets -

- Results in months instead of years

- Much easier to keep teeth clean

- Much more comfortable

- Aligners are virtually invisible, so it's nearly imperceptible to others that you're undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Among the conditions that are treatable using Invisalign are: 1) Overly crowded teeth. This occurs when there is simply a lack of room within your jaw for all of your teeth to fit normally, 2) Widely spaced teeth. This occurs with abnormal continued growth of the jaw bone, 3) Crossbite. This occurs when the upper and lower jaws are both misaligned, 4) Overbite. It occurs when the upper teeth bite over the lower teeth, and 5) Underbite. This occurs when the lower teeth protrude past the front teeth.

Dr. Steven Booth has been practicing general dentistry since 1995 in the Austin area. He's a member of the Capital Area Dental Society, the American Dental Association, and the Texas Dental Association. In addition, he's a member of the American Orthodontic Society and has been recognized nationally as a leading Invisalign provider. Dr. Booth offers dental implants, teeth whitening, Invisalign, Lumineers, porcelain veneers, oral sedation, root canal therapy, sealants, and general family dentist.

About Silver Screen Dental

Dr. Steve Booth, of Silver Screen Dental in Austin, TX, has been recognized as an Invisalign Premier Provider, placing him among the top percent of Invisalign practitioners in North America.

by: bringitup7

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