subject: It Is A Known Common Fear That Going To The Dentist Has Been Dreaded By Children And Adults Alike [print this page] It is a known common fear that going to the dentist has been dreaded by children and adults alike. This fear of the dentist is a universal phobia where age is not a factor. Unfortunately, even if you do have a fear of the dentist or the procedures needed to be undertaken, they are unavoidable at times. Almost everyone, at some age will have to visit the dentist if they do not want to create further problems down the line which can sometimes be even more painful and cause more anxiety.
This is where Pain Free dentistry comes in and helps many people alleviates the fear of the dentist and helps them to relax and feel comfortable and happy when visiting the dentist.
So what is pain-free dentistry you may ask, well simply Pain-free dentistry is a way to offer patients an experience that is relaxing and free of stress and of course, the pain. There are 2 main ways in which pain free dentistry can be performed on is through sedation and the other through pain management.
The most common method of pain-free dentistry is to make the patient drowsy and almost asleep with the use of sedatives. By doing this, the patient doesn't feel a thing during the procedures. So not only will you feel virtually no pain, you will feel so relaxed that all you want to do is kick back relax and go to sleep there and then during your treatment.
Another tool that can be used for pain-free dentistry is called the Wand. This is used to administer anaesthesia into the gums using microprocessors. These monitor the rate at which the injecting is done because slower and more steadily this is done, more pain-free the injection is. In fact the patient only feels the pressure and not the pain, it allows for a constant steady rate of anaesthesia to be placed into the gums so that not at any one time will you feel too drowsy or feel too much pain.
Now you realise that you can go to the dentist without feeling any pain and feel relaxed, what are you waiting for in terms of visiting the dentist to solve your problems.
by: Dr JG Ironside BDS
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