Free Clorox Samples, Free Gift Cards, Free This, Free That. Every one of you probably know what I'm talking about and have all seen it before: The infamous, or in some cases famous "Internet Freebie Ads".
I'm talking about the ad that claims you can receive a free $1000 Gift Card to blow at BestBuy or something. A free TV delivered right to your door step. Now I know what you're thinking: "Oh no, not this rubbish". Well hang on for a bit because I have a little story to tell.
Once upon a time there was me: I was a naive know-it-all who ran AdBlock. I thought these ads were complete rubbish. There was NO WAY someone could be giving away something of that value for free. After seeing numerous people starting to claim success stories with these ads, being Mr.Detective and everything, I had a case to make. I went to find out how these offers worked. I found some very surprising results:
This is how they work
I apply for my 50" TV from company XY. Now company XY has to pay for this somehow, so they forward offers from other companies for me to fill out, but here's what people don't realize. There is a huge amount of offers that don't cost anything.
Why do companies pay for giving away a free product? Simple. Repeat customers, recognition, and public relations. Think of it this way; They get a lot more repeat customers from giving away $500 then they would with giving away $5000 to a television network.
So does that mean I'm getting MORE than the free item?:
Not only did I receive my 50" Panasonic televesion to my door, but I also received free samples of often very useful products. In my case A free dish network receiver. It cost me nothing but a subscription, which I actually was planning on getting. Go figure!
The misconception is that these offers cost money. Although some do there are plenty of free ones. Payed offers CAN be canceled and you generally receive credits. Don't write paid ones off just yet though; There are actually many useful ones out there.
Here is an example of an offer signup:
[Main Page]
First Name:
Email Address:
This example above would be quick and easy. Why? It asks very minimal info in the beginning; The less information, the better in terms of speed. Generally offers with greater rewards have more lenghly signup sheets, so it is completley subjective to the offer. I personally like short ones because I can rapidly test offers to find which ones work.
But we still face a problem. There are bad offers, and there are good offers. How do I know which one is which? How do I know if they will pay? How How much time will it take?
Well, there really isn't a way to know for sure other than a certain providers reputation. Many years have gone by with minimal signups due to this reason, but I have pretty good news:
In the past 6 months there has been an explosion of organizations dedicated to finding the best coupon offers. Which ones work, which ones don't, how much they cost, how long they take. Although these organizations aren't widely known they do indeed exist.
What currently seems to be the most active page is a website called CouponFork. This site is the third I have seen, but perhaps the best quality site I have found on my journey. CouponFork changes up offers on a regular basis, reflecting to ones that work good, but the site really isn't an offer database. It is a review site. As you will see they post reviews of many different offers circulating the internet, and only good ones, although they have a page of failed offers if you are interested for whatever reason. CouponFork is well worth checking out if you are looking for working free offers.
I can probably go on much longer, but the jyst of the story is not to write off free offers completley, because there are most certainly some legitmate onese out there.
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