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Sun Tanning Tips for Best Results
Sun Tanning Tips for Best Results

In today's time the trend of tanning is integral in the beauty world. Having a tan is symbol of beauty nowadays. If you thought that tanning can come simply to anyone by simply lying in the sun, then you are wrong. It's far difficult to get a tan than it is generally assumed. Some people get an uneven tan. Some might just have to satisfy themselves with a light tan while others get third degree burns. To get that that perfect tanning at par with the Hollywood looks, simply follow the following tips.

Start with smaller sessions. You want to work on your skin to achieve that golden glow. As you begin with tanning, start by short sessions, each not lasting more than ten minutes. Go in for 2 such sessions in a day. As you proceed, you can go increasing the period of each session. There are some folk who lie for hours in the sun in their first attempt to tanning. This does not help as the body isn't prepared for tanning. Condition your skin to develop the tan with short sessions.

Second thing is that you should use a sunscreen during your tanning session. There's a common and rather widespread misconception that sunscreen will block the tanning of the skin. The fact is rather opposite. The rays which give you tan aren't the rays which the sunscreen normally blocks. In addi-tion to this, many beauty product making firms also sell special suntan lotion lotions which enhance the natural tanning effect.

3rd thing is to scrub your skin with a good soap before you go out for the sun bath. You shouldn't use chemical based soaps and the ones which have artificial perfumes added. These soaps may nega-tively react with daylight or might just form a sort of protective coating around the skin. As a consequence, your attempts at tanning may go from anywhere between simply worthless to horribly wrong.

If you really want that bronzed glow, then make sure that you exfoliate. Exfoliation is a must if you're looking to change your skin tone. It helps take away the dead skin cells from the skin surface. Once the dead skin is removed, new skin cells come thru. This new skin is fairly easy to tan. Besides, getting rid of dead skin cells ensures that you do not have to deal with patches or an uneven tan.

Once you are done with your tanning session, ensure that you have a bath. Your body attracts a lot of dust along with daylight too when you are out in the sun. Bathing is even more crucial if you are sunbathing on a sandy beach. Also, a good bath will cool down your skin. This reduces the chances of developing a sun burn.

by: Garya Smith

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