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How to Handle Anxiety Disorders in Children

Author: Alex J Schneider
Author: Alex J Schneider

Children often get afraid and anxious about several things. A child often becomes afraid to take a test or to go to school during the first day of class. These anxieties are still considered as normal. Children who feel such anxieties are not considered to be suffering from anxiety disorders or even panic attacks. However, some anxiety disorder children might really be experiencing anxiety disorders. Although adults would always want to protect children, that remains an ideal ambition. Adults cannot always protect children from the anxiety disorders that adults also experience. Signs and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder can be seen among several children. These children often feel extremely anxious or afraid of ordinary events and objects such as riding a car or going to school. A child who suffers from a generalized anxiety disorder may feel the excessive need to be perfect. If a child also feels extremely pre-occupied with acceptance and appreciation, he or she may be suffering from a generalized anxiety disorder. Children may also experience another type of anxiety disorder, the obsessive compulsive disorder. Obsession with repetitive patterns and intrusive thoughts are indications that a child may have a case of OCD. These obsessions are also considered illogical and unreasonable. Doing ordinary things in a rigid and consistent mannerism may indicate an obsessive-compulsive disorder in the child. Performing ritualistic behaviors serve as the coping mechanism of a child in dealing with anxieties. Children younger than ten years old cannot be easily diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. However, some signs and symptoms can even be observed among children of younger age. Children with OCD tend to wash their hands excessively or count items for several times even when it is already unnecessary. Panic disorder also serves as a threat for children. Diagnosis of panic disorder among children requires a minimum of two sudden and intense panic attacks followed by a month or more of being excessively fearful or anxious that another panic attack may take place. Adolescents are considered more prone to panic disorder than younger children. Some children also exhibit specific phobias. Any object that rationally looks safe and ordinary can cause an extreme fear for a child with specific phobia. If the irrational and extreme fear persists in a child for more than six months and start becoming an interruption in the life of the child, the child can already be diagnosed with a phobia. A child who encounters a stressful event may also experience post traumatic stress disorder. Examples of stressful events include accidents and separation. PTSD may explain why a child loses appetite or why a child often has hallucinations that the event is still happening. Nightmares about the stressful event are common among children with PTSD. In general, the anxiety disorders prevalent among adults can also apply to children. However, the disorder may manifest in different symptoms. Children may not be able to clearly understand what is happening in their minds. Children also do not feel comfortable in talking easily about what their thoughts are. For children, symptoms such as tantrums and crying are manifestations of anxiety disorder. Once a child has been observed to showcase signs of panic disorder, a pediatrician must be consulted.About the Author:

Alex J Schneider is an avid panic attacks researcher and expert. For more in depth information on anxiety disorder children, visit

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