subject: Did Jamie Lyn Spears Get Liposuction While She Was Pregnant? [print this page] Jamie Lyn Spears is famous enough in her own right. Additionally, the intermittent super hits and strange antics of her pop-star older sister have given her a certain amount of fame by association. However, one thing that has brought Jamie Lyn a large amount of press has nothing to do with either Jamie Lyn's pre-teen TV shows or her sister's music, but rather with a cosmetic surgery: liposuction.
Liposuction (also known as lipoplasty and suction lipectomy) is a surgery which is designed to remove excess fat from the body. The surgery uses a special surgical needle called a cannula to break down and suction out the fat. The surgery can be performed just about anywhere on the body where there is excess fat. The surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia, although sometimes patients are put all the way under. This surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in America. Every year, hundreds of thousands of lipoplasties are performed all across America.
Jamie Lyn Spears certainly isn't alone in being suspected of having undergone a lipoplasty. Sometimes it seems like just about every celebrity imaginable has been suspected of having undergone this surgery. The list of celebrities who may have undergone a lipectomy is long, and it involves such varied characters as Julia Roberts, Dwayne Johnson (also known as "The Rock"), Brittany Spears, Beyonce and Howard Stern.
So what was the big deal when Jamie Lyn Spears was rumored to have undergone this procedure? Why was this news so much bigger and more controversial than when other stars and starlets have?
The answer is that Jamie Lyn was pregnant at the time that she is supposed to have gotten the surgery. According to rumor, the young teenager noticed she was gaining weight but hadn't yet realized that she was pregnant. To combat this, she underwent a lipectomy, with her mother helping to cut through the red tape in order to get this procedure authorized on an underage patient.
The Spears family denies all allegations of Jamie Lyn having undergone this surgery while pregnant. Whether or not a liposuction was in fact performed on Spears while she was pregnant, the media whirlwind associated with this story makes a point: pregnant women should not undergo lipoplasty. The surgery has some inherent risks, and it is unwise and irresponsible for a woman to subject her unborn child to these dangers. There can be complications with anesthesia, with blood clotting, and with a myriad of different things. In an adult, many of these problems can be overcome. However, a fetus is much more fragile, and there is a good chance that an otherwise minor problem could be disastrous for the unborn child.
by: Christian Heftel
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