subject: Your Quick Guide To Debt Freedom [print this page] When stuck in bad debt, some people may immediately think of filing for bankruptcy. But although declaring bankruptcy can be a good move, it is not recommended at all times. If you want to beat debt or bad credit, check out the following debt-busting strategies:
Face the problem. Are you aware of the exact status of your debts? It may not be as bad as you really think and the only way you can be sure is to face up to the problem. Order a copy of your personal credit report from the three major credit bureaus and analyze each of your accounts. Make sure that all charges in your report are accurate. In case you discover false charges, send a letter of dispute to the bureaus to correct errors.
Stick on your budget. It's time to exercise control. Find ways to cut back on your spending. Remember, every cent you save can make a big difference. Focus on the task at hand and that is to pay off your debts one step at a time.
Create a debt repayment plan. After checking your credit report, you need to come up with a debt repayment plan based on the facts in your file. Which of your debts incur the most expensive interest rate per month? High rate debts need to be paid off first to stop your debts from further accumulating. You may also consider taking out a consolidation loan to reduce your monthly payments and lower the interest rate of your debts.
Meet with your creditors. Have you tried speaking with your creditors? Some consumers may hesitate, thinking that it will be a waste of time but in fact, a lot of creditors are willing to modify their terms to help borrowers keep up with their repayment. After creating your personal debt repayment plan, meet with your creditors for a negotiation.
Avoid incurring new debts. Avoid aggravating the problem by adding new credit card charges or taking on new credit. Concentrate on debt repayment. If you have decided to consolidate your debts by applying for a loan, do not let your guard down. After using your loan to pay off all your existing debts, remember that you will still have an obligation to your debt consolidation lender.
Seek credit counselling from a trusted source. It is often recommended to seek professional advice since being stuck in serious debt problems can make you a vulnerable target for scammers and predatory lenders. Find a legitimate and trusted credit counselling agency where you can get sensible advice on managing your debts and finances.
by: Liz Roberts
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