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subject: Nail Technicians Welcomed: Beauty Salon Business Basics [print this page]

Author: Jen
Author: Jen

Having an overall idea of what it takes to run a salon is crucial to a successful salon business. Preparation is key in order to smooth out any bumps later on down the line. If you are planning or even thinking about owning your own salon, I am proud of you for taking action. In order to plan appropriately for your beauty salon business, you will have to make sure that you can pay the bills, welcome customers, hire qualified staff, and run a clean salon. Finances and Expenses The nail salon business can be very lucrative but there are several costs to consider, sometimes even on a monthly basis. Such costs include rent, electricity and water bills, salon products and equipment, furniture, office supplies (computers, paper, phone, fax, etc.) and salary for staff members. Customer Satisfaction Making sure that your customers continue to seek the services you offer is very important. The more customers you have, the more profit you will make. This is why it is so important to build a rapport with your customers. Asking customers how their day is going or if they need anything goes a long way. This is especially important in areas where the salon industry is saturated. A happy customer will tell their family and friends about your salon. Salon Location You can essentially choose any location for your beauty salon business, but picking the right location is what determines how successful your business is. Strategically placing your salon in a busy location, whether it is in a city or a small town, will garner good results. You will get more exposure and more clients. Qualified Staff Finding qualified staff should not be too difficult if you are looking in the right places. Interested candidates can submit resumes and you can also go on referrals from other people. Placing employment opportunities on major job websites like and will also bring results. Once you hire staff, they will have to be trained. Offering training sessions on a regular basis will ensure that your staff is familiar with salon procedures and current trends in the salon industry. Sanitation One way to keep customers satisfied is to run a clean and hygienic salon business. There are many health risks that can result from dirty salons, such as bacteria growth and skin infections. That is the last thing you want. If there is speculation that your salon is using dirty tools or equipment, it can tarnish your salons reputation. Salon equipment should be clean and sterilized several a times a day.About the Author:

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