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Top Four Destinations For a Family Holiday by:Jane Wilkinson


The scenic destination has only recently emerged as a package holiday destination but with its mass of sprawling hills and perfectly manicured beaches it has quickly built up its reputation to emerge as one of the top destinations for holidays in the sun.

Children of all ages will love the Squirrel Park based in the resort of Istria and the fact that squirrels are red, and not grey as in England, will both amuse and delight them whilst on your family holidays. The park allows children the change to find out everything they need to know and more about this woodland critter, and the extensive summer programme gives them the chance to make their own squirrel themed costume and toys.

Top Four Destinations For a Family Holiday by:Jane Wilkinson

For adults, the scenic town of Volosko is definitely worth a visit. The pretty seaside village features some of the countries best seafood coupled with stunning views of the dramatic Adriatic Sea.


Lanzarote is an old favourite for a package holiday and with its excellent year round climate and gorgeous sandy beaches it isn't hard to see why.

The submarine safaris are a sure-fire hit for children and they are specially designed for underwater exploration. Each submarine features 22 portals as well as large television screens perfect for spotting any lurking sharks. The submarine dives to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean for an hour and the clearness of the water gives children a remarkable view of what life's like under the sea.

Catalanza's giant catamaran will appeal to adults, although children are also welcome on board. Both will be given the chance to sail the boat around the smooth waters of the Atlantic and the trip also provides opportunities for the more adventurous to try jet-skiing, or learn how to snorkel on their family holidays.


As a family holiday destination, Turkey combines a perfect fusion of east and west. Belly dancers and ancient temples mix with golden sandy beaches and vibrant water parks to create a destination that offers something for everyone.

The Adaland water park is on most children's wish lists when visiting Turkey and as the resort features a dolphin park that gives children the chance to swim and play with these incredible mammals it really isn't hard to see why.

The park is the largest in Europe and is also home to a vast array of windy water-slides intent on amusing both adults and children alike. The third area is called Sea Park and gives families the chance to dive and snorkel in a safe environment. Children can meet and feed friendly string-rays and photograph not so friendly sharks up close.

Adults should experience a traditional hamman whilst on their family holiday and these are offered in most Turkish resorts. The genuine hammans consist of a three part massage combining peeling, foam and oil. And of course, no traditional hamman is complete without a round of Raki afterwards. However, this potent spirit is strictly adults only!

Gran Canaria

It's of no surprise that another Canary Island makes it onto our top four list. Gran Canaria is the 2nd most populated Canary Island after Tenerife and provides an excellent destination for holidays in the Sun.
Top Four Destinations For a Family Holiday by:Jane Wilkinson

Children will be both scared and enthralled by the Crocodile Park in Aguimes. The park is home to over 300 crocodiles and visiting during feeding time is an absolute must. The tamer other half of the park is a zoo with areas for monkeys, tigers and jaguars, but the adjacent caf which features roller-skating parrots will definitely prove to be a highlight of your family holidays.

The western town of Sioux City holds equal rapture for both adults and children alike. Originally built as a stage set for an American Western film in 1972, the town has now developed into a theme park complete with cowboys, Indians, Mexicans and a sheriff. There are shows throughout the day but Friday evenings will provide the climax to your holidays in the sun, with a plentiful barbecue feast, followed by traditional country dancing.

About the author

Jane Wilkinson is head of Marketing for Essential Sun. This travel company offers years of experience in dealing with family holidays ( and their trained advisors will help you find your ideal holiday at an unbeatable price

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