subject: Childhood asthma and drug? [print this page] Childhood asthma and drug? Childhood asthma and drug?
Chest tightness next to Asthma?
I went to the doc and he gave me an inhailer on later Monday, I have used it often. I still hold it, but I have this tightness in my chest close to I cant get a full deap breath. It bothers me. when I use the inhailer it helps for newly a little... Child asthma Vs. full-size asthma?
why is asthma worse for children vs adults? what are the differences? and any other information =P hi good ask you have all the answers please call round -adults & children are artificial the same way, treatment is impossible to tell apart, and they can all die from their symtpoms....
Child next to asthma?
Has anyone out there got a child beside asthma? My son has just turned 4 and is currently on prednisolone tablets and ventolin nebs. He is coughing constantly adjectives day and night. Any tips on how to support his night time coughing? Hes had a relaxing tub and a nebuliser before bed and has woken...
JHACTIONS ASTHMA CLINIC TESTIFIED BY EXPERTS ,TRUSTED BY USERS: FIRST CLINIC GIVING ASSURED AND GURANTEED TREATMENT FOR ASTHMA AND ALL ITS GROUP DISEASES If you have been diagnosed near asthma, the Asthma Clinic is available for you. ... What should you bring to your first asthma clinic appointment? ASTHMA ERADICATION HAS...
Childhood allergies and asthma. symptoms.?
I have a 3 year old grandson. Who diagnosed beside allergies and asthma when he was 1 yr. old. It is severely hard to decide if he have a bad cold or his allergies. But there is a great deal of heavy yellow mucus and some bleeding from feeler. Hard to breath. When he...
Childhood asthma and drug?
I have a 2 yo that was diagnosed next to asthma last december and ended up losing a few lbs. He be put on singulair and flovent (puffs) in january and has not gain any weight since. His asthma hasnt acted up since feb so his Dr. said he could stop the flovent a few...
Childhood asthma when does it resolve completely?
my cousin sisters have asthma elder one since she was 10 yr dated..on treatment now she is twenty and she still get attcks and flare ups.will she procure relieved of asthma ?her younger sis also has same story "> Unfortunately no, it can be controlled but asthma is never cured I...
CHildrens asthma? Anyone else have problems beside it?
I know it sounds silly, but i am struggling to come to terms with my 4 years olds asthma. He have MAJOR problems with his lungs at birth (they both collapsed and he was within NICU for 3 weeks) so i expected lung problems, but it irritates me that loads of...
Childrens asthma?
Is it true to say that a 27 month old beside bad allergies and asthma that just have a breathing treatment with a steriods because she was wheezing should undeniably stay indoors? Yes because the smaller amount pollen the better. Also try to get a filtration system inside to ease stale the pollen that manages to get...
Chlorine affecting asthma?
can chlorine in a home hot tub affect asthma Yes, It can effect a person with out asthma as capably. It would be best to all ow the water to sit surrounded by the hot tub heated for a few hours prior to trying it. If possible open a window and put a adherent in it...
Chronic asthma dog dander what to do?
I have a 2 yr old American bulldog/ pit mix. When we get him they told us he was American only. I use to hold childhood asthma but ever since I had the dog its gotten worst. Every morning i have to use the nebulizer electrical device to breath. We love this...
Chronic Asthma within my house! Second Hand Smoke HELP?
I have chronic asthma since birth. I am 20 years old and live near my stepmother and 3 brothers. The problem is Everyone smokes. My asthma is getting worse and causing serious hospital visits and frequent asthma attacks. I don't smoke. They are resourcefully aware of how their addiction and...
Chronic cough and asthma?
i have always have a chronic cough, and about 3 years ago i had pluersy (spelling) . after that i still have problems pulse a new problem with getting short of breath at times. so i be diagnosed with adult beginning asthma. it seems to act up during cold weather and hot weather. where on...
Chronic cough for over 2 months. Could it be Asthma?
I can't remember exactly when it started, but I want to say it started in March on a cold evening when I go running at a park with my boyfriend. I am not normally an outdoor runner. About 5 minutes into the run, my bronchial tubes be on fire...
Chronic cough? asthma? bronchitis? TB?
so i got sick about three and a partly a week ago, or well i started coughing and thought it was my seasonal asthma. I didnt procure an inhaler until a week after to which then i started getting a sore throat, wheezing, phlemn no fever, couldnt sleep for two night because of the...
Cigar Smoking and Asthma?
I have mild asthma and have since I be a little kid. I smoked hookah relatively heavily for a while and that seemed to gross my asthma worse, but now have stopped that completely. I smoke cigars occasionally and do not inhale them (by occasionally I denote once or twice a month). The only effect...
Cigarette odor on clothes and an asthmatic child?
Why don't people get that the odor of cigarettes on their clothes DO explanation health problems, particularly on children beside asthma? Do you have and suggestion to get through to these those? Links would be great. Preliminary research by Matt and others suggests the same chemicals that leave a stale cigarette...
Clean room for asthma?
My cousin is coming to visit and he has pretty doomed to failure asthma. I have a cat who sleeps upstairs in the room that hes gonna use. We vacuumed and wash the sheets. What else can we do to make him comfortable? don't own him sleep in that room, it the cats don't go...
Close friend or kinfolk next to asthma?
If one of your close friends or family members suffers from severe asthma, does it affect you on some stratum too? How so? It does, in a lot of ways. Most of my line has asthma, with me suffering the lowest possible of the four of us. It makes me work harder...
Co relate between two deceases suffered by a character ie.Asthma & High Blood Pressure.?
The asthma occurs in summers.I am non drinker & non smoker.Vegetarian lone. some allergy medications, not sure if you take any or not for the asthma, can elevate your blood pressure. one's resembling chlortrimeton which contain chloraphenaramine are safe to take and do not bump...
Cold and asthma?
I was told that a cold or bronchitis had cause a severe asthma attack. But I only had the sniffles for a few days and wasn't really experiencing a discouraging cold. I took cold medicine one day and Airborne another morning. When I blew my nose, it was washed out, but aside from that my body...
Cold nouns & asthma?
I have an albuterol inhaler but it really doesn't help me a large amount. The weather is getting cold and I am coughing a lot more now & sometimes lately breathing in the cold air will trigger coughing and me not to be capable of breathe right. Sleeping last night be a nightmare! Any homemade...
Cold rime asthma remedies?
my son is 10 and plays rep hockey. They do intense dry land training in cold rink. He have trouble breathing and we can't say much as its is all unresponsive serious. I have no access to puffer today and when he did use the puffer it made him dizzy. Any tricks to help his...
Cold/flu and asthma...?
I'm just getting over the stuffed head aspect of my flu, and in a minute everything is movind down into my chest. Wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have mild asthma. Just because of that small certainty, I can end up coughing fitfully for weeks on end. So immediately I have 2 questions... 1. How...
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