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Tracking Your Packages Online

The ability for a customer to be able to quickly and easily check the status of their shipments is something which is essentially a must in today's courier world. We live in an age of instant information transmission, and any San Diego courier service that thinks they can get away without having a way for customers to instantly check on the status of their shipments is sorely mistaken. That is why almost every courier company that you do business with will make it easy for you to check the status of your shipment online from their website.

In order to track a package from the website of any courier company, almost all you will ever need is your tracking or reference number that they should provide to you when you first place the order for the shipment. The only time that you might need something more than that is if you have to login to your account in order to access special tracking features like GPS tracking. In any event, this means that you should be able to check the status of your shipment from your office, your home, your laptop anywhere you have wireless, or perhaps even most conveniently, from your Smartphone. More and more people rely on blackberries and iPhones to conduct the majority of their business, and a good courier will ensure that their status checking website works well with the mobile browsers of those popular tools.

Before the internet became the way that we primarily communicate with each other, many businesses had a system where you could check your status by calling into a phone line in order to get a status update on your shipment. In fact, many companies are still going to have these systems in place, but will have augmented them with a way for people to check their status online.

The amount of information that you can get from checking your status in this way will depend entirely on the specifics of the courier company and how they have set up their organization to provide you with information. GPS tracking will show you the exact location of your package in real time, although the information might be displayed in many different ways based on the software your courier is using. Status updates will also include any special information such as if there has been a hold up on your package for any reason, or a proof of delivery if it has been delivered.

by: scott gallagher

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