subject: London Personal Trainer Reveals How You Can Shift Your Belly Fat Fast [print this page] If you've tried every diet and exercise system known to man that promises to help you lose your belly fat fast and keep it off for good, you're no doubt annoyed, frustrated and even angry at all the wasted time, wasted money and wasted effort you've invested for little or no return.
Shame really, because losing fat, especially around the midsection, is much, much simpler and straightforward than most people would ever realise and involves just a few small shifts in thinking and acting to get some pretty stunning results in next to no time at all.
Just implement these shifts and a slimmer, firmer and more attractive midsection will be yours.
Shift #1: Everything Counts
Too many people believe that they can 'get away with' the behaviours that they engage in whilst pursing a fat free and firm belly. This is the typical 'one won't hurt' mentality that most of us engage in and pretend doesn't matter... but it does!
Every deviation, every detour, every day you stay away from training or night you go to bed late counts in the grand scheme of things.
That being the case, use this in your favour from day one. Do everything right first time, get your results fast then get on with your life rather than 'kinda, sorta, maybe' going through the motions.
Play to win and, funnily enough, in all likelihood, you will!
Shift #2: You Can't Out Train A Bad Diet
Even if you train hard day in, day out twice a day, there's no guarantee that you'll ever expose that layer of hard muscle beneath the belly fat you're carrying. This is the truth, so get used to it.
If you're eating too much for your current activity levels (very easy to do) and you're eating poor quality, nutrient deficient, additive loaded, starch heavy foods that throw your hormones out of whack then no amount of exercise will burn that fat away.
You've got to go clean if you want to get lean!
Fresh fruit and vegetables, lots of filtered water, meat, fish and poultry of the organic kind that hasn't been injected with steroid hormones. That's what you need if you want to see your abs. Ignore this advice and you'll stay as you are... guaranteed!
Shift #3: Rest Is Best
People stay up far too late most evenings, watching TV or answering their email til well beyond midnight. Trouble is, this sets off a huge hormonal chain reaction that serves to keep them from losing body fat, especially around the midsection.
After about 10pm your cortisol (stress hormone) levels are supposed to be in decline with your growth hormone and testosterone on the up. However, if you're still up and about and awake, subjecting yourself to stressful images (like news and movies) or stressful events (like bad-news emails) then your cortisol remains elevated and cortisol tells your belly to store fat.
So get to bed by 10pm at least 5 nights a week if you're serious about shifting fat. Not only will you look better faster, but you'll feel full of beans too!
Shift #4: Drink Much More Water
People are chronically dehydrated. I could stop this section here and that'd be all you need to know. Drink more water.
See, people get most of their liquids in the form of tea, coffee and fizzy drinks which are all diuretics meaning that they cause you too pee all the liquid out, essentially adding to the water deficit.
So drink 1ltr of water for every 50lbs that you weigh (if you're 150lb then you need 3 litres) and put an end to the sluggishness. As soon as you do you'll see and feel the difference in how your body functions and looks.
So there you have it. Four simple yet highly effective shifts that you need to make in order to get rid of belly fat fast.
In all likelihood they're nothing new to you. You've heard them all before but, you know, it's not what you've heard, it's what you've done that counts.
Are you doing these things already? Yes? Then great, your results are either here on on the way.
If not then get to them. You'll never get results thinking about what you need to do.
Only action counts.
So act!
by: Dax Moy
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