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subject: Residual Monthly Income And Global Domains International [print this page]

Take a look around you and the mood of peopleTake a look around you and the mood of people. More than likely you'll see most individuals stressed, concerned about the world around them. Mostly due to the economy and how uneasy things seem to be. If you're anything like me, you would like to position yourself to rise above the economy. One of the ways you can do this is by generating your own mlm residual income.

Now, there are many, many options out there to get this accomplished. I'd like to make you aware of a residual income opportunity that is really not that difficult to do. Now this opportunity is not a get rich quick scheme, but rather an mlm residual income opportunity in web domain hosting. Remember the dot com boom? Well, the next big thing will be dot ws which stands for Website. Global Domains International (GDI) is the company that provides this web hosting option.

They are dedicated to making web sites affordable for you and me. They offer your own domain name for just $10 a month. You can use this domain to house your own website in which you can share pictures, events, and so forth, or to advertise your mlm residual income opportunity. In addition to owning your own website, you can also earn residual income by referring others to obtain their own website for life.

For each person you refer, you get $1 in commissions for up to 5 levels deep. The best part is that you don't have to be a sales person to tell others. GDI provides a 7-minute video that you can just send to your prospective customers to watch and explain how the commission's work. At the end of the video, they can also sign up in which you are the referrer.

It's pretty simple and easy to use. Once you become a member of GDI and have secured your own website, they provide an easy interface for creating your website, or, if you are an experience web site person, you can upload the necessary files also. So, whether you want your own personal website or generate a residual income for life, Global Domains International is right for you.

by: Steve Immink

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