subject: Girls Guide To Outdoor Essentials by:OutdoorGB [print this page] It seems there has been a huge increase in Brits taking up these lofty outdoor pursuits, particularly women. For girls who like to take it to the limit, outdoor equipment and clothing experts Outdoor GB have compiled their Girls' Guide to Outdoor Essentials, which features everything you need to know about essential kit for the great outdoors. They have scoured the land for the best products and gadgets to make life on the go, and up a mountain, that little bit easier.
Footwear : You will get absolutely nowhere without a quality pair of hiking boots or special outdoor footwear. Your feet are your most important tool when braving the outdoors, and poor quality footwear will probably put a stop to your plans before they've even begun. Zamberlan are one of the leading names in women's hiking boots, and for good reason. The Zamberlan 636 Baffin Boots for example are perfect for long distance backpacking and tough hiking, and offer solid, durable support. Designed specifically for women's feet, Zamberlan's range of women's hiking boots provides comfort and durability at a reasonable price.
Clothing: The chances are you are going to get cold and wet at some point , that is an accepted part and package of your outdoor adventure. , however as any experienced climber or skier will tell you there is a big difference between being a bit cold and getting stuck in a snowstorm. To ensure you are prepared, whatever the weather, you will need a good quality mountain jacket. There are three requisites when it comes to a mountain or ski jacket: it has to be waterproof, it must keep you warm, and it must be breathable. There are a great range of women's mountain and ski jackets out there. Vaude Women's jackets are always reliable and they offer a great range of styles. Other names to look out for are Keela and Montane, both of which are available from
Protection: While everyone loves a good adventure, whether you choose to explore the outdoors by foot, rope or ski, to be able to enjoy it again and again you have to come back in one piece. Outdoor safety equipment, such as ski and climbing helmets, are of course essential, and with these it is vital to know the equipment you are using is reliable. Outdoor GB stock a wide range of climbing helmets from top brands such as Edlerid, Grivel and Petzl, all of which meet international safety requirements.
Technology: Although we are trying to throw away the shackles of modern living and get back to the elements, there's still room for a few choice gadget to help us along our way. Our two favourites are handheld GPS and navigation units, guaranteed to get you to your destination, and GoPro Action Sports Cameras to capture every second of your hair raising adventure. These nifty little cameras come with all the usual video camera functionalities, are hard wearing, and are easily mountable on a bike, helmet or wrist strap. These are the absolute basics for any skiing expedition or mountaineering adventure, but Outdoor GB stock a wide range of outdoor equipment to suit all needs. From a full range of outdoor clothing, to backpacks, watches, sunglasses and heart rate monitors, as well as solar panels, wind turbines and generators, military goods, radio communications, camping equipment, snowboards and climbing equipment, they have it all.
About the author
Editor's Note: Outdoor GB is represented by online advertising consultancy, Top Position. Please direct all press queries to Tina Clough. Email: or call: 01623 728 233.
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