subject: How To Brand Your Blog To Make More Money Online! [print this page] Does any of this seem familiar? Does any of this seem familiar?
You have set up your blog but you are only getting mediocre traffic to your site. Your content is quite good, you have most of the pieces for running a successful blog in place, but you are still not getting the results you expect to receive.
Perhaps what's at fault is that you have failed to brand your blog properly.
Branding your blog is a critical aspect of being successful in the blogging community. Without branding there is nothing to distinguish your blog from the millions of others. In other words, you don't have a hook to attract your readers. One of the reasons why people set up their own blog is to give themselves a platform from which to be heard. It doesn't matter how good your content is if your blog looks like standard WordPress.
The following are some suggestions to help you create your own unique, branded blog.
1. Personalize your blog. Adding a photo of your self will help no end in taking away the anonymous look. Nameless and faceless blogs drive many people away from visiting again. Giving your email address will also get you more readers as people are interested in other people.
2. Every one of us is unique and different. This is what is so wonderful about being human. Ask yourself what makes me unique and how can I use this for my blog? When you have found the answer to this question you have your unique, branded blog.
3. If you have special knowledge or experience in a given field or area why not make that the content of your blog. If you don't have the full picture or feel that you don't have enough knowledge - research it. Everybody has to start from somewhere. Experts weren't born experts. They had to learn and apply their knowledge. You can do the same.
4. Use a unique and different template for your blog. The death knell of any blog is to use the standard WordPress template. Instead create a customized theme by using If you are technically minded and want to create a completely unique site, use Photoshop to create your own themes. Going the extra distance often brings the greatest rewards.
5. There are two very important questions that bloggers should ask themselves. Who is my audience and what makes my blog unique? Asking these two questions should reveal answers as to why your blog has its brand and more importantly what your brand is in the first place. Knowing the answers to those questions allows you to target traffic from your market niches.
Put the above into practice and you will become a master at branding your blog. Many blogs today are generic and dull - make your blog stand out. You will only increase your chances exponentially of having a very successful and respected blog. Once you have your brand in place most of the work is done all that remains is that you keep your blog running.
by: Gary McGeown
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