subject: Six Top Habits for Financial Independence [print this page] Author: Chris Harvey Author: Chris Harvey
Is there almost always too much month at the end of your money? Are you living on credit and not paying your bills in time?
If you answered yes to these questions, then something is clearly wrong with your financial management skills. Not your fault, we don't get taught money management skills at school and neither did the people we look up to, our parents. The result is that we learn what they learnt, that money doesn't grow on trees or that it is the route of all evil. We get brainwashed into believing the way to make money is to go to school, get good grades which will lead to a good job and if you work hard at it, you may get pay rises and retire with a good pension.
The real issue here is the linear way that you earn in a job. Work an hour, get paid an hour. The trouble is there are only 168 hours in a week so there is a cap on what you can earn straight away.
You are never enjoy financial independence working this method on earning income. If you're going to be fiscally free, you need to earn the majority of your money through leveraged income and passive or residual income.
Better to reap the rewards of 1% of 100 people than 100% of just your own as John Paul Getty once advised. And this holds true more now than it ever did. Gone are the days of jobs for life, most company pension plans have huge deficits and it really does take teamwork to make the dreamwork.
If you have read Robert Kiyosaki's works, he will tell you that the rich don't earn their money from jobs, they purchase assets until such a time as the revenue from their assets exceeds their expenses at which point you are basically financially independent.
There are a number of habits that need to be followed in order to work towards your own financial independence.
1. Focused Vision
Whether it's financial independence or being a champion basketball player, you need to start with a vision in mind. Where are you heading and have you set goals to get there? Jom Rohn said that the same wind blows on us all. The same economic wind, political wind, winds of change, opportunity, challenge etc. It is how we set our sail that determines where we end up and that is something we can all do.
So take some time to think about your life and what you want to achieve and then set some goals to move you towards your vision. Set goals in different areas of your life e.g. Financial goals, business goals, spirituality, health & wellbeing, family & fun goals etc. The important thing to work out is the reason for this goal being a must rather than a want. For example, my goal is to have the time freedom to work when I want, where I want and the reason is so that I can spend time with my beautiful grandchildren whenever I want. What is your why? Set out your vision, your why, a time frame and most importantly, what you are going to do in order to achieve it.
Keep your goals on hand where you can look at them every day remind yourself what you need to do and why.
Keep that vision firmly in the forefront of your mind. Hold on tight to it as you start to work towards that vision. The choices you make in the future must lead in the direction of your goal. Keep your why in mind, especially when things get tough.
2. Invest your money wisely
As Robert Kiyosaki says, most poor and middle class people will never find financial independence because they buy liabilities that they believe are assets. You must educate yourself in investment vehicles and set aside a portion of your income to become your golden goose. This never gets spent, but eventually the golden eggs that are produced can be and it is these that change your lifestyle forever. He also talks about the need to be in business for yourself so that you can go from being an employee or self employed, (linear income) to a business owner and investor (leveraged and residual income)
For most people, the cost of setting up a traditional bricks and mortar business or purchasing a franchise are prohibitive. He, along with many other leading businessmen like Donald Trump and Warren Buffet, promote Network Marketing as the vehicle which allows almost anybody to buy into a proven business system with a minimal investment. Clearly, there are points to consider when choosing a company like the product, the market, the training and support etc, but in the main, network marketing gives the masses access to their own business which can lead to leveraged and residual income.
The rule of thumb therefore, is to put a percentage of your income into assets that generate residual income. The goals being that these eventually exceed your expenses and you become financially free.
3. Spend wisely
Each dollar is a soldier in your army fighting for your financial independence. Don't spend everything you earn. Buy only things that you really need. If you kept a journal of all the money you spend and review it at the end of the week, I think you'll be surprised at the things you spend your money on that you don't really need. The amount may startle you too, so tighten those belts for now as you work towards a more secured future. Choose to live simply and forget about showing off your stuff. This stuff is a liability not an asset, if you want achieve financial independence, you must buy assets and not liabilities.
Avoid incurring expensive debt as much as possible. Take control of your finances as soon as possible. Credit cards for example are bad debt that have a tight hold on you for years at an extortionate rate of interest. Most credit card purchases stem from our must have it now society. If you have read Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence, you will know that delayed gratification displays a more advanced EQ.
4. Keep contingency plans
I don't mean saving for a rainy day because if you focus on rainy days, that's what you will get. I mean having some long term savings but rather than being your golden goose that never gets spent, this can be spent as and when the need arises. It is great to know there are funds available should your car break down or your washing machine spring a leak. So set aside a portion of your income for future spending.
5. Take care of yourself
Health is wealth. If you aren't fit enough to function, what is the point of it all anyway? Think about your diet and exercise regime. Use the stairs instead of the elevator sometimes. Review your goals, if you remember, I suggested goals for all aspects of your life, not just financial. So set your health & wellbeing goals and stick to them.
6. Be Coachable, teachable & trainable
If you do, you'll be unstoppable. Never stop learning because if you aren't growing, you're dying. So by being unstoppable, the things in life which slow us down, the obstacles to financial independence that appear unbreachable will crumble before you. You must keep the desire strong by reviewing your goals regularly and by doing so you will remain focused on achieving the goals. Do not let yourself be distracted by liabilities. Focus on assets, golden geese, your army of dollars fighting for your future. Do not procrastinate. Do today what others won't so that you can have tomorrow, what others won't.
To put the lessons that Robert Kiyosaki teaches into your life, read below.About the Author:
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