subject: Selling Your Own Designs Online [print this page] Selling Your Own Designs Online Selling Your Own Designs Online
Getting your line sold by a bigger retailer is certainly not a bad goal. However, it's not always the most importantor even most appropriate focus. Make your web site your number one goal, and then you will be in a better position to start marketing your clothing line to other types of retailers. Your site should be up and running as soon as word starts to spread about your collection. The moment prospective customers hear about it, you want to be sure they have a way to see it, buy it or even just register their names on your newsletter for later contact if your line hasn't came out yet. If you have a great name for a clothing line, the first thing you should do is get a domain name for it. Make sure you keep this article in mind when you get ready to launch your own clothing line.
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