subject: For Many People Straight Teeth Is Something That Is Desired [print this page] For many people the idea of perfectly straight and aligned teeth is something that they desire. This however is usually compromised by the fact that to do this they may need to have braces which consist of metal. Metal braces with wires and brackets can often look unsightly even at the best of times, but now there is an alternative solution. Invisalign provides an alternative to traditional braces with clear aligners that are virtually invisible.
Invisalign clear braces can correct mild to severe spacing and crowding problems that many people tend to suffer from.
From children to adults, people dread the thought of needing to have their teeth covered up with a bunch of metal, even though the end goal is that It will straighten their teeth. This can be the source of embarrasement for both children and adults alike.
Invisalign consists of a number of different aligners that are made for the patient that are placed onto the teeth after the last aligner has done its job. There is no set amount of aligners for every patient as everybodys teeth are different and require different treatments. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, allowing life to be continued without the self-consciousness associated with a smile with metal all over it.
After scheduling an initial consultation with your dentist, the cosmetic dentist will make an impression of the teeth and send the results to a lav for your aligners to be mapped out. You will also be able to see the final results of your treatment before you even start to undergo the invisalign procedure.
Using a 3D technique your aligners will be created at the lab and sent back to the dentist for you to start your treatment.
Invisalign aligners are removable so that eating and brushing can continue as normal. The result is a beautiful, straight smile that did not require you to feel embarrased for years with metal and brackets.
by: Dr Phillip Stein
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