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subject: Make The Best Use Of Time In Your Online Business [print this page]

Make The Best Use Of Time In Your Online Business

Internet marketing offers anyone the chance to build an online business right from the comfort of their homes. This will allow you to take your business with you whether you are vacationing or matter where in the world you go. Additionally, you can work at your business in your own time frame...whatever works for you. This is the true definition of freedom.

But, in order to make your work at home, online business a success, you must possess a certain amount of self discipline so that you can properly use your energy and time productively.

Let's cover a few of the important elements that I learned along the way that will keep your productivity, confidence and focus strong as you pursue your dream of working at home...and succeeding.

The most important thing I learned was what things produced money for me and what things didn't. For me it was no question...article marketing and list-building were the two most important elements to pursue for my business.

In other words, they were the best use of turning my time into money as they provided the best results.

Hanging out in forums and chat rooms...although very entertaining, was simply not cutting it. Forums can be productive for you if you monitor the way you use them and don't just hang out killing what could otherwise be productive time.

Another important step to take is to cut yourself off from the noise...cut off the world that takes you away from your focus.

For example:

1) unsubscribe from your thousands of mailings. That is a chore in itself, but if you don't do this, you will continue to be bombarded with offers that will only distract you from your goals. Choose to follow 1, 2 or possibly 3 mentors at a time...and no more. Trust me, the others aren't going anywhere and will still be around when you're finished with your present ones!

If this idea scares you, then create a separate email account and resubscribe for those hundreds of promos you will be getting and check it occasionally.

2) Do those things that make money for you first such as...sending an email to your list, writing articles for the directories, checking your support desk for any help needed etc.

3) Shut your computer down and accomplish any offline tasks that are nagging at you to complete. I have found that if there are things that I am not tending to in my offline life, they will continue to nag me and unconsciously I am not getting the most out of my mind energy because of this subtle disturbance to my peace.

Value your time: Learn to say "no." Sounds easy enough doesn't it and yet there are those that have trouble saying "no" to anyone or any offer that comes their way. You need to choose what and whom gets your valuable only have so much of it. Use your time to enjoy your family or to benefit your business in some way.

Learn to say "no" to time wasters. Learn to say "yes" to your life (family and business)

Set up your work hours and stick to it. For me, this was early in the morning. I would get busy on my in hand while most everyone else was sleeping.

If you're busy writing an article or blog post, time yourself! That's right, buy a typical timer and set the alarm for the amount of time it should take you to complete this task. This will keep you honest with yourself but more importantly it will keep you accountable for your time!

Don't spend 3-4 hours on a short report or blog post that should be written within 20-30 minutes. After timing yourself for awhile you might be surprised at what you find. Use this information to improve your time management skills.

Create a daily action list. I create mine the night before so that it is ready and waiting for me when I sit down at my desk in the morning and I never have to guess at what needs accomplishing. It is simply a compilation of tasks that I want to accomplish that day. Keep it simple and don't make the list so long you are defeated before you start.

I move from one task to the other until I've completed them all. If I have miscalculated my timing and everything does not get done that day, whatever is left undone goes to the top of my "to do" list for the next day.

Don't forget the breaks! We need to take 15 minute breaks to stretch our body and give our minds a rest. Ideally you should never work more than three hours straight without some sort of break. But, come right back after your break!

And, last but not least, take ACTION. This is the most important step of all. Without action, your dreams and ideas remain just that...dreams and ideas. Combine your dreams with action steps...persistently and consistently...and watch your dreams manifest before your eyes!

Becoming an online entrepreneur is one of the most exciting opportunities that has ever come along. Becoming a success at it, is all about your self discipline.

by: Kathy Dobson

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