subject: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Online Advertising [print this page] To get great results from sales, seminars, whitepapers or other promotions your business is running, you will need to advertise them online. Online advertising is a relatively cost-effective method for attracting your target audience to your promotions and getting conversions.
The different types of online advertising include Pay-Per-Click advertising on search engines, links or images on other websites or newsletters and links or images within your own newsletter or on your website.
One of the biggest determining factors of successful online advertising is the landing pages that are connected to your ads. A landing page is a specialised page on your website that users are directed to from an outside source, such as an advertisement in the form of a link or an image. Landing pages are focused on getting the user to take a particular action, such as purchase a product or sign up for a seminar.
Landing pages are different from a typical website page, because they do not contain the navigation and content of the main site. They are focused on getting the use to take just one action, so other navigation is too distracting. Typical landing pages contain the following:
Logo and header of the business (same as website)
Overview of the offer or promotion
Benefits of the product or service
Call to action (typically a short signup form or a buy now button)
The most effective online advertisements are those that link directly to focused landing pages that are an extension of the advertisement. This is because the person that has clicked on your advertisement is interested in whatever is being offered and wants more detailed information. The biggest mistake that online advertisers make is linking their advertisements to their home page the prospect wants to learn about the promotion they clicked on, not your company history and your complete product catalogue.
Having a landing page can be the difference between having 5 or 50 people sign up for your promotion. Therefore, it is important that you do your research and create an effective landing page to boost your conversion rates and maximise your online advertising..
End line: This article was provided to you by Bloomtools, Australasia's leading website developer. With Offices in Melbourne, Newcastle, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and Wellington New Zealand. Online business solutions provider SEO, Websites (with simple to use Content Management System), Email (Database) Marketing and CRM.
by: bloomtools
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