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subject: What's The Cause Of Skin Aging? [print this page]

Who isn't concerned about aging? Aging is one of the most talked about subjects in the world. Why is this so? Because we are a society that takes great pride in having a nice and attractive appearance. Even though aging affects all of us a little differently, we all basically go through the same process. Aging is a very natural process. As natural as living and dying. As we age, our skin gets less firm. Wrinkles and fine lines start to develop. Most prominently in the areas of our skin that are used the most.

Even though aging is a natural process that affects all of us, there are some factors that may speed up the aging process. This can cause the signs of aging to appear prematurely.

These are just some of the things that can cause your skin to age faster than normal.

Sunshine, while important, can be a bad thing for our skin if taken in too high of a dose. The effects of the sun on your skin can cause premature wrinkles and a leather like appearance. Too much exposure to the sun is the biggest contributor to facial skin wrinkling. Getting too much sun can not only darken the skin, but it can burn off the skin's natural protection. This allows harmful UV rays to ruin our skin and it's texture. Too much exposure to the sun can even cause skin cancer.

When you stay out in the sun too long without wearing sunscreen, your skin can start to sag and look like leather. While this in itself is bad, the worst is skin cancer. This is something we all want to avoid. If you'll be out in the sun for more than ten minutes, you should always wear sunscreen.

In very strong sun, it's advisable to also wear a hat. This is really important if you have a job that requires you to work outdoors all day. For casual exposure to the sun, SPF 15 sunscreen should be adequate. If you're going to be outdoors all day, you'll want something stronger like SPF 45.

Another habit that's very damaging to the skin is smoking. Taking all of these dangerous substances is not only bad for your health, but can contribute to old looking skin. Smoking dries the skin and make it look older than it should. Try to avoid smoking if you can. Another thing that smoking does is deplete your body of vitamin C, which is very important for skin cell renewal.

Even second hand smoke can cause early skin aging. Smoking can really damage the skin. It may be as harmful as too much exposure to the sun!

Drinking alcohol Alcohol is terrible for the skin. It dilates the blood vessels in your body and increases the flood flow to the skins surface. Drinking alcohol in too high of amounts is not only bad for your skin, but is also bad for your health in general. Avoid it if you can.

This can make your cheeks red and break blood vessels over time, resulting in a run down appearance.

by: Brad Bahr

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