subject: Points To Bear In Mind About Car Insurance Comparison Quotes [print this page] When it comes to car insurance comparison quotes, this can often be mind-boggling. The cheapest quote is frequently not the best, and vice versa. However, if you follow a few fundamental guidelines, the procedure can actually be quite simple.
Obviously your main objective is to get the best insurance at the best price. Therefore you will need several quotes to enable you to make a fair comparison and, ultimately, a sensible decision. Cheap quotes often do not offer adequate cover, and expensive quotes often include cover that will be irrelevant to your needs.
Getting insurance quotes before the internet came into being was a really frustrating, long-winded and tiring task. Today the process is quick and easily done online. Quotes are received almost instantaneously but you should spend some time going through each one carefully.
The deductible is a crucial aspect. This is the amount that you will be liable to pay in the event of a claim. For example, if you make a claim of $1000 and you have a deductible of $200, the insurance company will pay $800 and you will pay $200. You can reduce your premium by increasing the deductible. However, you will have to decide if the reduced premium is more beneficial to you than having to pay more if you have an accident.
Still on the subject of the deductible, there are other questions that will need answers from insurance companies. Will the deductible still apply if the driver is not the policy holder? Will the deductible still apply if the driver was under the age of 25? Will the deductible still apply if the accident was not caused by the policy holder?
Therefore read the deductible section of each quote carefully. Assume you get a quote that is $100 cheaper than other quotes. After scrutiny, you may well find that the deductible applicable in the quote differs by as much as $2000 in comparison to other quotes.
Also compare 'safe driver' discounts. See what discounts each quote offers for safe drivers or drivers who have completed a defensive driving course. These discounts can make a big difference to the insurance premium.
When scrutinizing car insurance comparison quotes online, most companies provide a link that enables you to view the policy document. In this way, you can study each clause carefully. If you follow all the tips mentioned in this article, you should be able to make the right decision to meet your individual needs.
by: Lance Thorington
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