subject: Make Money Being Online - Secret Strategy For Making Money Online Fast And Easily. [print this page] So as you can see in this article I am going to show you how to make money being online. But that's not all. I will also show you how you can start seeing results in few hours from that time after your article, press release or video will be submitted. Remember this will not happen in hours from now but in hours from that time when your content will be accepted and submitted to highest rank articles, videos and press leases directories.
If you would like to make money being online as soon as it possible here is what you should do step by step.
1.You want to go to and sign up for free account out there. If you dont know yet about clickbank, it is place where you will be able to find any products, products related to any niche you can start reselling online and getting paid for that. So after you will sign up for free account you want to click on "marketplace" link and on left hand side bar you will see a list of categories, choose category that is interesting for you and pick up product for promoting in this category, that has less that 150 "grav" and more than 50 "grav". You will see "grav" field at the bottom of each product which means popularity of this or that product online.
2.The next thing you should do if you want to make money being online as soon as it actually possible is you should go to, article directory, and sign up for free account there, also you can choose another free article directories as, and These are most popular ones and they have got high page rank in google search engine.
3.Next step you should do if you want to make money being online as fast as it possible is to create free accounts with video directories such as:,,
4.Now you will need to pick the right magic keywords for your articles, and videos if you want to start seeing results in hours after your content will be accepted and submitted. To pick up the right keywords you will need google search engine and google keyword tool. Firstly you will need to go to google keyword tool, you can find one just by typing in google search this phrase "google keyword tool" and the first result that will come up will be the one you should choose. Then you want to put as much keywords suggestions as it possible.
For example if you have picked up dating niche you can type keywords like: how to get girlfriend of my dream, how to get boyfriend of my dream, how to find responsible and reliable fianc, so on and so far. Just type what you think people would type in google search if they would like to find you product and hit "get keywords ideas button". After the results will come up and the results that will be interesting for you in this case will be "Global searches per month". You must choose the keywords that has more than 500 global searches per month.
5.The next step you should do if you want to make money being online as soon as it possible is by using google search engine choose those keywords that has less than 15,000 exact match competing sites. For that you pick up a keyword from google keyword tool and type it in google search with brackets on each side and after you will hit "search" button on right hand side you will see how many competing sites will be for this particular keyword. So you must choose keywords that will have less than 15,000 exact match competing sites and more than 500 global searches per month. I know it may take some time of yours but trust me it does worth it. %15 out of all online marketers are very successful in make money being online business because they do proper keyword researches and how to do that I have just showed you.
6.Six and the last step you must do if you want to make money being online as soon as it possible is to start creating articles and videos and submit them to directories. And remember this is very important; you want to include your keyword in title, thats very important.
So after you will do all of this and after your content will be accepted and submitted by directories you should start seeing your articles and videos in few hours on googles first page. And that means that make money being online overnight does really possible. Even if you are already running your online business this technique is worth paying your attention, time and effort, besides have you noticed this technique is absolutely free, isn't it amazing?
by: Yevgeniy Dorofyeyev
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