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Top Three Reasons To Buy Cellular Shades

Top Three Reasons To Buy Cellular Shades
Top Three Reasons To Buy Cellular Shades

Cellular window shades sales are continuing to grow. In a market where consumers value energy efficiency and affordable blinds, cellular shades keep popping up. In fact, they are some of the most energy efficient blinds on the market today. Cellular shades come in varying levels of insulation, various colors and fabrics. Be sure to order free samples to ensure you are getting exactly what you want. Below are a few reasons for the popularity of cellular shades.

1. Reducing Energy Bills. The reason cell shades are so energy efficient is due to the honeycomb pattern similar to a beehive. Air filtering in from outside is trapped in the cells, as is air in the room, so it isn't leaked outside. In the summer, air conditioning bills may decrease when honeycomb shades are used. In the winter, not as much heat will be needed to keep a comfortable temperature.

Top Three Reasons To Buy Cellular Shades

Cellular shades not only block heat and cold, they also protect homes against damaging UV rays. By closing cellular window treatments during hours where direct sunlight hits, homes remain cooler. Some cellular window shades also qualify for a federal tax credit of up to $1500.00.

2. Not only do single and double cell window treatments block light and insulate homes, they also help eliminate outside sound. For homes that sit near highways or on streets that get a lot of noise, these window treatments will help keep the noise outside where it belongs.

3. Real Estate Values. Real estate agents agree that one of the least expensive ways to increase a home's resale value is to update or put in new blinds or shades. They add class and style and don't break the bank. With so many options there is a window treatment for every price range.

There are several types of brands and styles of cellular shades. Be sure to read reviews on products to ensure you are getting the best value for the dollar. Double cell shades offer better insulating qualities than single cell shades. Some brands even 'lock in' to the window to ensure no drafts get through.

For those who like a dark room, blackout window treatments virtually eliminate all light, while insulating a room. These can generally be found in home offices, home theater rooms and bedrooms. When opened, they won't take away from the view.

If you are in the market for window treatments or shades, cellular shades are some of the best for light protection, insulation and money savings. There are many styles and colors available and can be utilized in both houses and work buildings.

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