subject: 6 Proven Ways to Earn Money Online! -feature articles writing [print this page] . Drop-ship- Drop-shipping is very similar- however the advantage to drop-shipping is thatyou don't have to worry about moving the products yourself. With drop-shipping you're really working as a third party in the sense that you find vendor's who'll drop-ship, and when you make a sale, they deliver the products directly to the customer for you-thus, no inventory or overhead costs? It can also save you the money and hassle of running to UPS every month to send/receive shipments. Another perk is that you don't have to buy the product before you sell it! You simply take the order and give it to the manufacturer for shipping, and you receive a check, without having bought a thing. I know I make this sound pretty easy but in fact it takes an adequate amount of information gathering in order find hot products. The first thing you will need to obtain is a drop-ship directory in order to find vendors who drop-ship, it will cost you anywhere from $55-85, but the money you spend will more than pay you back in safety and time. The only source I recommend for directories is WorldWide again because their the only vendor directory provider that's Ebay certified-there's a lot of fakes out their posing as drop-ship providers who are really just "middlemen" trying to collect a commission.
6 Proven Ways to Earn Money Online! -feature articles writing
By: Suhana Smith
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