subject: Corporate Holiday Party: What You Should Do [print this page] A party for the company is always a good thing to have. It unites the employees and significantly motivates them ahead of the next day at work. The fun is immeasurable and it befriends even employees that never knew each other at work. The company's image and future are also dependent on the proper planning and hosting of an event like this. But before organising a corporate holiday party you need a few tips and information on how to do it.
Organising can't possibly start days before the day if you want to have a memorable party. Planning months ahead of the day will avoid the situation where the party venue is empty because the day chosen coincides with the time that most families are going on holiday. Employees who can't attend can also inform you well in advance.
Finding out the different tastes of everyone who will be coming is important. Not all people are the same and you will come across people with uniquely particular needs. Organise a meeting of those people who will be coming and find out what they would like to have on the day. This ensures that all needs are catered for during the corporate holiday party and there is no one being rushed to the hospital because their allergy wasn't taken note of. On this day you will also agree on a theme for the party depending on what season it is.
Have a venue that is off company premises. When such parties are held at work they normally end up boring because workers are too used to the work environment. Pick a popular club or bar and give it a shot there. A venue should also be agreed upon during one of the meetings for the company holiday parties.
The exchanging of gifts typically makes people warm up to each other more than they would if there were no gifts involved. The gift concept is a good way of making friends out of enemies, a situation that greatly boosts productivity at work. If it's Christmas then the mood will definitely be suitable for the exchanging of presents. Choose whatever criteria for the exchanges.
Try to keep the party as short as possible if people aren't too eager to attend. Long parties frequently end up in confrontations and misunderstandings simply because workers are irritated by the work environment.
When planning the party it would be really exciting if you called someone famous or popular from your community. Parties at work are unforgettable when they're attached to such good memories. This can even boost the morale of employees on the next day of work.
by: Adriana Noton
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