subject: Free MLM Leads | MLM on a Budget [print this page] Author: Darwin Farr Author: Darwin Farr
Many people who are involved in a multilevel marketing business are finding that it isn't as easy as it might seem to find that ever important lead - people who will come and look at what you have to offer. Before you can actually call them a lead, you must first get them to your website. This article will introduce you to steps that you can implement in your marketing strategy that will effectively make it impossible for anyone looking for your type of business opportunity to not come to your website. You will be in too many places to avoid it. Your strategies WILL bring to you Free MLM Leads. This system will require a little bit of work at first but it really isn't that hard. By far the most effective solution to free mlm leads is to use article marketing. Article marketing is the act of writing short articles that are then made available for distrubution and publication on sites that are set up for that very purpose. These sites will submit your article for free. There are literally hundreds of them on the internet. Articles consist of the following structure: #1. A short title. #2. A summary - one or two sentences that describe your article's content. #3. The content - should be from 400 - 600 words, any more than that should be broken down into two or more seperate articles. #4. The bio or resource box - which will give the reader a brief description of who you are. This is where you promote yourself, not in the content portion. #5. Keywords - the internal structure or content of the article is written in words or short phrases that are known as keywords. Now we will discuss a plan to get your content out on the web to help bring people to your site and make them a lead that is so targeted that they will be calling you instead of you calling them to sign up for your business opportunity. Wouldn't it be nice to not have to call your prospects and instead have them call you? We'll show you how to do just that. Follow along. In order to keep within the 400 - 600 word limit that was just explained above, this article will require more that one submittal. The following topics will be covered in subsequent articles: #1. Set up the system. #2. Write the article. #3. Turn article into a blog post. #4. Submit the article to article directories. #5. Rework the article into an audio/video release. #6. Create article into a Squidoo Lens. #7. Use social bookmarking and social media. Once you set up your system and then write the first article, the rest can be easy. Follow along in subsequent articles at You'll be glad you did.About the Author:
Article marketing when used in the manner described above can bring you Free MLM Leads. Writing and submitting articles alone can be effective, but the number of articles that are required to obtain the traffic can be overwhelming. Follow along and Darwin will show you the steps necessary to be successful in this process at .
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