subject: Alternative Healing Methods [print this page] Suddenly, alternative medicine is regaining fashionable status. No one can pinpoint one single thing that could have caused this, but two main reasons immediately come to mind:
1.The large costs of pharmaceutical medicine.
2.The side-effects and consequences of excessive medication.
After having created at least a million strains of drug-resistant germs and spending billions on unnecessary surgeries and medicines, people have finally realized the value of alternative medicine.
Alternative healing can be broadly classified into two groups:
a)Alternative medicine for the body - using herbs and herbal tinctures to improve digestion, immunity etc.
b)Alternative healing for the body AND soul, which addresses symptoms at their deepest roots in the human mind.
Out of the former, herbal tinctures, homeopathy and food therapy are emerging as powerful healing tools. Like any form of medicine, they have to be used judiciously. But when used under the guidance of a professional, these can produce long-lasting effects without any of the devastating consequences of short-term cures that pharmaceutical drugs can cause.
However, developing this judgment requires a steady mind - something that herbal tinctures alone cannot give. This is where mind-body healing comes in.
The numerous forms of mind-body healing are:
1.Yoga, pilates, martial arts - These methods of exercise require concentration, focused energy and intensity above everything else. You do not need muscle, bulk or height as long as you know exactly where each muscle of your body is placed, and how it shall be moved next. These exercise methods also lay great emphasis on breathing, which is known to regulate our moods and minimize stress levels.
2.Counseling, hypnosis, meditation - These methods center on the mind. According to psychoanalytical wisdom, every ailment has an organic germ around which the mind weaves a giant web, turning the tiny ailment into something perceptible and even debilitating. Each illness is "entertained" by the body because it serves some purpose; if you have ever wondered why you fall ill more easily when stressed or overworked, here is your answer - being ill lets you rest. Once you realize the underlying psychological causes behind the disease, it is bound to go away.
Clearly, healing both the mind and the body is far superior to focusing on the body alone. But within the mind-centric methods, which one would suit a person most?
In my view, meditation sessions teach concentration through practice. Practice and hard work is necessary to attain any good quality, so this is definitely a point in favor of meditation. However, meditation does not help you tackle repressed thoughts, pain and memories - at best, it lets you acknowledge them and live with them as they are. In order to deal with these memories and resolve them, working through the order of language is necessary - this is where counseling and hypnosis come in.
Counseling addresses the mind at the conscious level. This makes the process of unraveling and resolving unconscious thoughts quite difficult. On the other hand, you have hypnosis - a method by which the unconscious is directly accessible, like a patch of perpetually wet cement waiting for a therapist to make a lasting impression on it. After a successful stint with a counselor or hypnotist, every subject emerges refreshed, rejuvenated, enlightened, unburdened and renewed.
by: Gen Wright
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