subject: Are You At Odds With Your Children, Again! 3 Reasons You Must Try Positive Parenting Tips! [print this page] If you have not used positive parenting tips to improve your relationship with your children, by the time you are done reading this article, you will definitely want to know how to. If you are not ready to make some wonderful changes to your life, then please come back and read when you are!
Reason #1: Do you yell and scream at your children when they just do not listen to word one of what you have to say? Surely any parent would! As we all know, this doesn't work for very long. It is usually only a matter of time before they start acting up all over again!
Reason #2: The type of strict parenting that parents use when they try to clamp down on their kids, as you are well aware, just does not work. Following is why those methods are ineffective and some really bad things that happen because of them!:
1. These styles of parenting result in fear and stress. Cortisol is then manufactured and goes to the brain, all because of the increased stress! The result is your kids become disoriented, and they will then show you the bad behaviors that you've seen them exhibit all along!
2. Your kids will be prone to low self-esteem, and they will often exhibit violence and other very bad behaviors.
3. Repeated exposure to the cortisol, can cause delinquency due to deeply rooted behavioral problems!
Positive Parenting Tips will teach you how to deal effectively with your children. This way, their brain will be able to grow without interference from cortisol!
Reason #3: What can be forgotten in the busy routines of life, and the constant fighting within your family, is hope that things can change for the good. Imagine your children doing the right thing just because you asked them to!
If you have had enough of the constant arguing between you and your children, and you would like to check out how positive parenting tips can alter your life, then...
Are You At Odds With Your Children, Again! 3 Reasons You Must Try Positive Parenting Tips!
By: Paul Donahue
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