subject: What's The Deal On Finding Cheap Car Insurance Quotes? [print this page] There are several things which influence the cost of car insurance, and being aware of what they are will certainly improve your chances of finding the lowest possible rates, particularly if you've not yet bought your car, or if you're planning to buy a different one shortly.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to find cheap insurance, although you'll find insurance companies prefer to call it 'affordable' insurance, or 'low-cost' insurance instead. You've probably heard a million and one people complaining about how much they have to pay for their cover, but the truth is, if they're paying over-the-top prices, they probably only have themselves to blame, because affordable cover is readily available nowadays.
Okay, so let's start at the beginning and talk about age. Basically, if you're over the age of 25 your rates will be reduced, in that you're considered to have had ample driving experience. You're also less likely to take risks when driving on the roads, and you more than likely won't be overly tempted to exceed the speed limits. Simply put, insurance companies see young drivers as being high risk drivers, hence the reason why younger drivers pay higher rates.
Next, we'll take a look at how and why your choice of car influences the cost of premiums. First of all, the more a car costs to replace, the more you'll pay to insure it. A Mercedes for example would cost an insurance company a whole lot more to replace that what a Ford Focus would, therefore it costs more to insure a Mercedes. Insurance companies also know that certain makes tend to get stolen more frequently than others, so of course this is also taken into consideration when you ask for a quote. In fact, the new Ford Focus is currently the third most commonly stolen car in the UK, so if you intend purchasing a car in this class, you may want to consider a different make or model.
If cheap car insurance quotes ranks high on your agenda, you'll also need to ensure you keep your car locked away at night when you're not using it. Leaving it parked outside on the road at night makes it an east target for thieves, and considering there have already been more than 150,000 vehicle thefts reported this year, it's easy to see why insurance companies are nervous.
You also need to think about your average mileage. Many people for example only drive their cars on weekends, preferring to use public transport for getting to work and back. In that case, you may not be clocking up much mileage, in which case you may be able to apply for limited mileage cover. Doing so could see you having your rates reduced quite a bit, and besides, why pay more than you need to.
Once you've done a little bit of research, and you're aware of all the things insurance companies take into consideration, you should then start asking for quotes from several providers. Of course, if finding cheap car insurance quotes is your primary concern then you can simply go with the lowest quote. With that said, you should still exercise a certain amount of caution, because after all, if something does go wrong, you want to know your policy is going to be worth the mone you've spent on it.
by: Tom Jones
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