subject: What's The Difference In The Taste Of Cigars From Other Countries? [print this page] One of the greatest pleasures available to cigar smokers is placing the flame of cigar lighters to tobacco and tasting the rich, smooth taste associated with these smokes. The vast diversity of cigar types, from all different nations, gives the dedicated cigar lover a plethora of options to explore. The different tastes of these international cigars are, perhaps, one of the best things about enjoying a wonderful cigar. Exploring those options, perusing the differences, tasting the changes, it all amounts to a world of enjoyment.
What makes cigars from other countries taste different, when you place the flame of cigar lighters to tobacco? Many different factors influence how a cigar tastes. Remember, tobacco is a natural product, a plant. Plants live and thrive in soil, absorbing the unique chemical makeup of the soil in which they are grown. This is the source of some of those differences. Different soil types, acidic, alkaloid and others, all equate to a difference in taste, as well as the smoothness or harshness of the smoke. Of course, many other factors determine how an international cigar will taste.
Another factor that plays a role in cigar taste is that of curing. The curing process varies drastically by manufacturer, by nation and by geographic region. Some tobacco is air dried in outdoor sheds; other types are cured in different ways. Therefore, when you light up with cigar lighters, these tobaccos provide different flavors. The differences in aging, curing, flavoring and other essential parts of the process that happens after tobacco is harvested can drastically change the way a cigar tastes.
Ring gauge (the diameter of the cigar) also plays a role in flavor. Therefore, you might have two cigars rolled with the same wrapper, cured with the same methods and manufactured by the same company, but if their diameter is different, the flavor will be different. Generally, the larger the cigar's diameter, the fuller the flavor will be. If you use cigar lighters filled with a substance other than butane, you can also change the flavor of your smoke (even butane can impart some taste). Geographic area also plays a role in cigar taste. For instance, if you were to enjoy a Jamaican cigar, you'd find it quite mild, usually. In contrast, one from Honduras would be quite a bit stronger. These are only a few of the factors that influence the taste of a cigar, though.
by: Bryan Smythe
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