subject: Regional Variation Of Opportunities In Africa [print this page] African continent is composed of 53 countriesAfrican continent is composed of 53 countries. It is known that Africa is the home of the worlds poorest nations. This is despite the fact that the region is the richest area in the world when it comes to natural resources. The Black Continent is divided into different regions, and each regions differ based on the history, geographical, geopolitics and economical structure. Come to think of this, rich continent plus variation of economies, that is equal to lots of opportunities. Investment in Africa can create a good fight in its five regions namely Eastern Africa, Middle or Central Africa, Western Africa, Northern Africa and Southern Africa. Each areas have something to offer. All of them are profitable business havens through proper business modeling.
First of the five regions is Eastern Africa. It is composed of 19 territories. The great colonizer of the region was Portugal, going after the spices. This part of the black continent is possessing a large reserve of wildlife, a good example is the Madagascar. They are also proud of its beautiful landscapes like the Mount Kilimanjaro, Great Rift Valley, Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika. The country is the second highest gainer in the continent.
Central Africa is the region that experienced the highest growth rate in 2004. It is also called as Middle Africa with nine countries. The region has a very nice climate, perfect for agriculture. Trades from Middle Africa are commonly palm Kernel nuts, cashew nuts, coffee in Cameroon, Some animals from Congo and Rwanda and other poultry products.
Western Africa is composed of 16 countries, with the Nigeria as the most explored nation. Aside from the mentioned country, there are also vast opportunities in many territories. Right now, investments are focusing on infrastructure and telecommunications. There are now unity among newly independent West African states, and favored trading within the states and with the rest of the world. Also there are many types of loans available for the promotion of small businesses in this region from the international banks, local banks, and not-for profit organizations.
North Africa is on the northernmost region of the African continent. It has seven countries that includes the Egypt and Algeria. It shelters the Nile Valley and 90% of the Sahara desert lies on this region. People here have different religions since they are nearer to the Arabic community and some states being under different conquerors. Algeria and Libya transformed because of their oil and natural gas found on deserts. Morocco is focusing on exportation of phosphates and other agricultural products. Egypt and Tunisia both depend largely on their tourism. Egypt has the most varied industrial base, importing technology to develop electronics and engineering industries, and maintaining the reputation of its high-quality cotton textiles.
Southern Africa is maybe the richest and the most organized region in the Black Continent mainly because of South Africa being included on the G20. According to UN, there are five nations making up Southern Africa. Some of the regions main exports are platinum, diamonds, gold, and uranium, but it is similar in that it shares some of the problems of the rest of the continent. There is also opportunities blooming on the telecommunication industry on some countries.
by: Anne Smith
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