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The Top 10 Biotechnology Companies: Positioning, performance and SWOT analyses

Although the history of the biotechnology industry dates back to the late 19th century, It was only much later that biological organisms began to be modified for applications in agriculture, industrial production and medicine. The medical application of biotechnology began in earnest in the 1970s, growth has been strong as novel new medicines have been approved for conditions not previously treatable with conventional pharmaceuticals. Because they are biologically-derived but used for similar purposes as pharmaceutical products, these medications are also referred to as "biopharmaceuticals". ( )

Biopharmaceuticals can be defined as therapeutics manufactured by biotechnology methods from biological sources, usually involving live organisms or their active components (bioprocessing, or directly involving surrogates, e.g., protein/gene sequences).

For the purpose of this report, biopharmaceuticals include the following broad therapeutic classes which can be further divided into other sub-classes:

Monoclonal antibodies;

Therapeutic proteins (inclusive of Insulin and analogs, erythropoietins, interferon alpha, interferon beta, blood coagulation factors, human growth hormone, enzymes, follicle stimulating hormone)

Vaccines (inclusive of vaccines manufactured only by recombinant technology)

Monoclonal antibodies were the largest sub-category, accounting for approximately half of the global biotechnology market in 2009. Hormones such as insulin & analogs, human growth hormone, and follicle stimulating hormone were the second largest sub-category. Growth factors, including erythropoietin and granulocyte colony stimulating factors were the third largest sub-category. Interferons, comprising of interferons alpha and beta were the fourth largest sub-category. The fifth in order were coagulation factors such as blood factors and coagulants. The last two sub-categories were of therapeutic enzymes and recombinant vaccines.

Key Features

Overview of the global biotech industry

Impact of the US healthcare reform on the biotech industry

Market dynamics and performance of key sub-categories in 2009

Detailed profiles of the top 10 global biotech players

Strategic growth analyses and SWOT analyses of the top 10 global biotechnology players

Short profiles of other leading players

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Strategic growth and SWOT analyses of the top 10 global biotechnology players

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