subject: Three Ways To Avoid Paying For Student Loans [print this page] When you go to college, there is an inevitability that must occur. You must find some kind of financing to pay your way through college. Some of us take out student loans in order to pay for tuition, the cost of living, and the books we will need for our education. Here are three ways that you can avoid paying for student loans that will save you money now and in the future.
First, instead of talking to your educational advisor regarding financing through the Stafford loans or other subsidized or unsubsidized loan possibilities, redirect them by asking about grants. Grants are an absolutely fantastic way to pay for college and not have to pay anything back when you are done. Many times, people will find themselves caught up in the simplicity of signing a few papers that will allow them to acquire thousands of dollars that will pay for their education. Do not get caught in this trap unless you absolutely have to. Find out what options you have in regard to grants, such as the Pell grant, that are offered at many colleges and universities.
Second, you should ask about scholarships. Scholarships are usually made available to those that are excelling in many areas. Perhaps you have done community service. Perhaps you have an exceptional skill such as a sport that you can play that would benefit the college that you are at. Sometimes, you can get a full ride through college without having to pay because of your athletic ability. There are also community sources of funding that may exist in the community where your colleges. And last of all, search her own hometown for community services and groups that may be offering scholarships through their programs.
Third, find a part-time job. This can be done either in the evening or the early morning. It is difficult to utilize your time wisely unless you have a dependable schedule. Therefore, when looking for a job, make sure that you have a potential backup in case you are unable to locate work. This could be done through babysitting, helping others with papers, or simply going home on the weekends to do some extra work for mom or dad to make a little extra money.
Bonus: one other solution to paying for college is to choose a program that may offer scholarships or grants programs with in its individual department. For instance, I have a few friends that went into different fields of study. Upon reaching their third or fourth year, they were offered a grant in order to continue their education because they had done so well in their particular major. Their grades were so high that their performance was rewarded with free money that allowed them to continue on toward a master's degree and even toward a PhD.
Never think that your only option is to sign papers that will get you instant money. I have personally gone down this road and paid with years of my life and tens of thousands of dollars in additional interest because I did not take the time to look at these other possibilities. So, to avoid paying for student loans for the college education that you need, do your due diligence and seek out these alternative sources of educational funding.
by: Michael Kohler
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