subject: Comprehensive Study of the Global Market for Nonwoven Materials and Products [print this page] Nonwoven Materials & Products Nonwoven Materials & Products
The goal of this report is to provide a detailed and comprehensive study of the global market for nonwoven materials and products used in durable and disposable applications as well as potential business opportunities in the future. The report's objectives include a thorough coverage of the underlying economic issues driving the nonwoven materials and products business, as well as assessments of new and potential products that companies are developing. Social, political, and regulatory issues are also covered, as are international markets. ( )
The scope of this report is comprehensive, covering the present status of and future prospects for nonwoven materials and products in North America. The scope of the report includes diverse segments such as geotextiles, home furnishings, floor coverings, automotive, industrial garments, apparel interlinings, coatings and laminates, hygiene, medical/surgical, filtration, wipes, fabric softeners, footwear, and other disposable and durable products. These are analyzed in detail as are technology developments, market conditions and opportunities, and 5-year forecasts. The role of new technologies is reviewed in this comprehensive report.
In order to generate the information necessary to construct a reasonable future market for nonwoven materials, it is necessary to undertake an examination of the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of materials. In addition to various nonwoven materials and products, this report also covers the many issues concerning the merits and future prospects of the business, including corporate strategies, technologies, and the means for providing these products and service offerings.
It also covers in detail the social, political, regulatory, and economic issues that so many regard as critical to the industry's current state of change. The report provides a review of the nonwoven materials and products industry and its structure, and the many companies involved in providing these materials and technologies. The competitive position of the main players in the market and the strategic options they face are also discussed, as well as such competitive factors as marketing, distribution, and operations.